Chapter 7

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{Aliyah's POV}

Bump, clang, bump, klank. Those were the sounds I heard as I began to wake back up. I tried to move, but I was trapped. I was is some sort of cage. I managed to look around and see I was with the baby bison, I even shared a caged with one. It seemed distressed being away from its mother so I tried to soothe it.

"It'll be fine. It won't be long, we'll be saved, I promise you." I said as I pat it's head.

Kai and Jinora must be safe, they must've gotten help. I tried to bend the metal, but it was platinum. Platinum is an extremely purified metal, near impossible to bend. I began to feel hopeless.

"Hey, kid, you're going to fetch a special price out there so don't get to banged up." A goon yelled out at me

"Say that again! Take me out of this cage and I'll show you banged up." In yelled rattling the cage. I won't show them any weakness.

"Feisty, they're gonna like that." Some said while chuckling. 

I snuggled closer to the bison, anxiety slowly creeping into my core. I began to give up hope until I heard a cry.

"How dare you do this! How dare you do this to the bison ...and..and...and Aliyah!" Kai yelled

"Airbenders, assemble!" Jinora yelled.

The truck soon came to a stop. They motorcycle goons surround us were knocked down. A huge gust of wind blew the truck over and the cages opened. All the babies flew out, the one I was in a cage with picked me up and flew me over to Tenzin and Kai. The goon who was planning to sell me started to get up. Before he could do anything I launched him in air and then Kai hit him with a side sweep.

"An airbender never uses excess force in an enemy that's already down, however nice for Kai

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"An airbender never uses excess force in an enemy that's already down, however nice for Kai." Tenzin said.

Tenzin proceeded to group us all together and take us back home. Before we left Kai hugged me (I hugged back this time) and we just stayed there for a bit.

We didn't even speak, we were just like that

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We didn't even speak, we were just like that. It felt nice and we walked back into the group. We got there relatively quick and I was soon faced with a worried Opal. I waved off her concerns along with Jinora's and Kai's. I told them I was going for a small walk to clear my mind and I won't be long. But before I left I promised them not to tell my mother.

~~~~~Time Skip to the Pond~~~~~

I looked at my reflection in the pond. Tears began to cascade down my face. One after another, my hair falling over my face. I could barely protect Jinora and Kai, they almost got hurt. If they didn't come in time I would've been gone. Is this why my mother abandoned me? Did she see how weak I was, how weak I AM. My crying got worse my cheeks redden and I start shaking. I clenched my hands trying to get a grip but it wasn't enough, I exploded, everything spilled out.

 I clenched my hands trying to get a grip but it wasn't enough, I exploded, everything spilled out

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Aliyah isn't perfect and actually has some deep insecurities, stemming towards her background. But on a serious note, if you feel anxious/have anxiety, it's ok to talk to someone. Don't seclude yourself.
                       ~Author-Chan out ✌️

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