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Everything is in Aliyah's POV unless stated otherwise

Memory 1:
I was welcomed to a strange place. The nice lady, told me to call her mom, I've never had a mom before. It felt nice, she would help me bathe and feed me. She would make mistakes but she tried her best. She even began training me. This happened over a few months. Then this man with a weird beard came and started teaching me how to read and write. It was hard, but his daughter, Jinora helped me a lot. She's a really nice friend.

Memory 2:
My cousin, Opal came over and Auntie. I showed her a new bending technique my mom taught me.

'Look!' I said as I moved a larger boulder.

'Cool' Opal said, 'I wish I could do that' she said sighing.

'You idiot! You're amazing, so caring and thoughtful! So what if you can't earth-bend? If someone messes with you 'cause of that, tell me, I'll beat them!' I yelled at her.

She just hugged me happily. Then I walked back and stood in a stance.

'You know why?' I asked

'Why?' She questioned


Memory 3:
Jinora and I were off from training that day, since it was the day before my birthday. (The day Lin found me). I began making pillars and we began hopping. Jinora was using air-bending which was no fair but it was still fun. That's when I saw an animal, what type I don't know, but I followed it. Jinora and Opal came after me. They found me playing with turtle-ducks and joined me. We were like that the entire day, until our parents called us back to the temple. I really liked that day.

I'm setting up the more child-like carefree aspect of Aliyah. The actually story is coming soon. The story won't completely follow the plot of LOK and happen separately. Some events do cross over though

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