Chapter 1

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{Aliyah's POV}

Training is rough, Mom was going at it again. She wants me to be prepared for anything coming, but I'm still a kid, I'm only 10! Well at least I have Jinora and Opal. Korra as well, she came to the temple a few years after I came, she always acted like a big sister to me.

"Again!" Mom yelled

I did the drill again. I closed my eyes and created pillars. Row after row, relentlessly raising it from the earth then pushing it back down.

 Row after row, relentlessly raising it from the earth then pushing it back down

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Mom just stood to the side taking notes of my movement.

"You're getting better."

"But...?" I said

"But you still need to get used to using your eyes while bending. If you can do that you'll be amazing."

I sighed. It's not like I want to close my eyes, it's just a habit, lets me connect with the earth more. I like to feel grounded. Even though Mom dismissed me for the day, I continued working, something I usually did. Over time I got used to bending with my eyes open. It was close to sunset and Jinora came up to me. She sat down and looked over.

"Another hard day?"

"Yup!" I said

"Hey, you better rest up. My dad has special plans tomorrow."

I nod and we walk to our rooms.

The next day

I woke up before Jinora so I left early. If I have extra time, I go past the temple to meet the animals with food. I went to the pond and fed the turtle-ducks. They were so cute. I went over to a lemur, she cane over and started tickling me. She stood on my shoulder and began eating.

"I think I'm going to name you, Indri!" I said

Seemed liked she like the name because she started chirping and nodding her head. I was gone for a while so I started heading back. I waved to Indri, saying bye but instead of gliding away she stayed in my shoulder.

"Guess you're sticking with me, huh?" I said. She just snuggled closer to me.

When I made it to the temple, Tenzin was mounting Oogi. Korra, Bolin, Mako, and the others were already on the Bison.

"We are going to Ba Sing Se." Tenzin said. He looked over at me.

"Aliyah I want you to come, I already cleared it with you're Mom and I know you can handle yourself. Also, why do you have a Lemur?"

"Oh, I met her and bonded this morning. Now she's sticking with me." I said as Indri nuzzled closer to me.

'Reminds me of Momo' Tenzin thought

"I'll be back, I'm going to pack." I said as I ran to my room.

I grabbed my scarf and my gauntlets. I packed my other essentials. I ran back to Oogi and earthbended myself onto his back. Indri was still in my shoulder.

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