Happy Halloween

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{Aliyah's POV}

I looked at Jinora with a tired expression.

"You know I love you.... but really? What's the point of this?"

"I've been resealing a book of old traditions. Turns out people celebrated this holiday called Halloween. You were costumes and go around asking for candy." Jinora responded

"As long as you don't force me to wear these shoes, fine." I said

"I think it's fun." Kai said

Others were hyped up for it as well. The entire southern air temple was decorated with various things, like spider webs and skeletons. The kids were all dressed up, so were Asami, Korra Bolin, Mako, and Opal. Asami and Korra, along with Bolin and Opal went as couple costumes. I had to wear a vampire costume, Indri was dressed as a bat perching on my shoulder.

Jinora had a witch costume while, Kai also had on a vampire costume, he even styled his hair to the side. So I guess we're matching as well.

(Imagine this but the hair is down, the dress is red and no shoes

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(Imagine this but the hair is down, the dress is red and no shoes.)

"Hey, Aliyah we're matching!"

I nodded my head as acknowledged. And gave him a small smile. He subsequently grabbed my hand and dragged me off, to get candy.

We made our way around the island, it turned out to be extremely fun. But we'll enough we got tired, so I created a few pillars where we could sit and exchange candy.

"Hey, Aliyah."

"Hmm?" I said while turn my head towards him

While showing fake fangs, he said "I vant to suck your blood, bleh."

I giggled a bit.

"Nice try, but I think I could do better." I said

I walked closer to Kai, I placed I face near his neck. My teeth were bared, so my fangs were able to be seen. I moved up from his neck to his ear. "I vant to suck your blood." I said into his ear

Kai jumped, from what I'm not sure. All I know is that I won. With a nod of approval I went back to sorting through the candy.


"Y-yes Aliyah."

"Here is some candy, I thought you'd like." I placed some in his hand.


"What? Did you want a kiss instead?" I asked somewhat sarcastically.

Hearing no response I put two together. I threw a handful of chocolates at him, while he let out a grunt. He looked at me and that's when I kissed him.

Kai started making incoherent sounds. I think I broke him. Indri jumped onto my shoulder, eating a piece of candy. She eyed Kai and gave me a look. I began walking away, heading back towards the festivities.

"Guess we should head back, huh?" I stated.

"W-wait up!" I heard a voice behind me say.

This holiday is fun, we should continue it.


Happy Halloween everyone! Hope you like this chapter, a new side of Aliyah hope you like it. This does not take place in the normal time-line.
                    ~Author-Chan out ✌️

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