Chapter 15

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{3rd Person POV}

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{3rd Person POV}

Mako and Bolin finally regained consciousness, however Aliyah did not. The guys assumed it was nothing, just that Aliyah needed more time to rest. But they couldn't see her tear stained face or her knuckles that were pale from clenching them too tightly. Nor did they see, Indri who was hiding in Aliyah's scarf.

"So you've finally wake up." Ghazan said looking at Bolin and Mako.

Ming-Hau said nothing, instead glared at the males that surrounded her. In response Bolin and Mako groaned a bit and struggled against their chains. They realized that it wasn't going to work, they chains were too strong and tight. Mako let out a small sigh but continued to say nothing.

For a brief moment the truck was silent, the only sounds were from the engine of the truck and the ground it was driving on

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For a brief moment the truck was silent, the only sounds were from the engine of the truck and the ground it was driving on. That was until Mako tried convincing them that they weren't valuable captives.

"Bolin and I offer nothing against Korra, we aren't important. And Aliyah, she's just a child. Let us go, we hold no value and we're just empty weight." Mako reasoned.

"Shut Up." Ming-Hua commanded. Ghazan avoided the question altogether.

With this Mako fell silent, but didn't deter Bolin from being, well, Bolin. He began talking to Ghazan, asking him how it felt to be imprisoned.

"I would look up at the stars, finding constellations. It helped passed the time." Ghazan responded.

Bolin gently nodded. "That's reminds me of Aliyah, she does the same thing occasionally." Bolin continued.

Ghazan appeared the same, sitting back however waved his hand motioning to Bolin to continue.

This made Bolin smile. "Yea! When she thinks no one is around she'll go to the rooftop and look at the constellation." Bolin continued.

" Bolin continued

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