Chapter 2

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{Aliyah's Pov}

I was sitting on my 'earth chair' and began stroking Indri. I honestly looked like a super villain, but I didn't care. Since everyone left and we already had Kai, we began to leave. Bolin wrapped his arm around Kai and said to think of him as a big brother. That's when the outlaws started up again.

"Ready for round two, outlaws?" I asked while I balled one of my fists into my palm.

"Outlaws? No, I'm the Sheriff. I apologize for underestimating, but the boy is the true outlaw." The sheriff stated

Then Mako showed up with Kai in hand.

"Look, who I found trying to escape." Mako said while holding Kai

"Hey, I was going to the bathroom." Kai protested.

"This boy was an orphan all his life until a nice family took him in, around 6 months ago. You know how he repays them? He steals their entire savings." The sheriff explains while the guards take Kai.

Kai looked at us. He said, "That was me before airbending. I feel like it chose me for a reason."

That's when I spoke up again. "You got the savings back right? There's no need to take Kai to jail, what good would that do?" I stated

"She's right, give us the boy." Korra said.

Tenzin looked over to Korra worries. He said, " Are we sure you want a liar and a thief as our first recruit?"

"He just needs some guidance, like us." Korra said

The sheriff gave in and let Kai go. He ran up and hugged Korra. He then tackled me into a hug. I froze up only Jinora and Opal would dare do this to me.

"Thank you! Thank you both!" Kai exclaimed.

Eventually he got up and I stood next to Jinora waiting for everyone to board. He was intercepted by Mako before making his way to us. That's when Jinora introduced herself.

"Hi, I'm Jinora and I'm here if you need help with airbending." She said


When we got on the air ship I pulled Kai aside.

"If you ever hurt Jinora you'll face me and you've only seen a fraction of what I can do. That's all, but Indri has taken a liking to you and you don't seem to bad. Friends?" As I asked the last part I held out my hand and gave him a small smile.

He seemed a bit flustered but shook my hand and returned my smile

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He seemed a bit flustered but shook my hand and returned my smile.

"You want to meet the sky bison?" I asked while petting Indri, who was laying on my head.

"Would I! Wait where are you going?" Kai responded

"Are you coming or what?" I asked over my shoulder.

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