Chapter 5

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{Aliyah's POV}
"H-hey! Indri? What are you doing." Kai said while Indri jumped on his head.

I walked over, closer to them and that's when they notice me. Indri jumped back onto my head and Kai just looked at me.

"Hey." He said while firing finger guns.

I grabbed his hand and brought him inside

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I grabbed his hand and brought him inside. We walked through several corridors before arriving to the 'hospital' wing. I pointed to a chair and made him sit. I got out supplies to treat his wounds, then satin front of him. Kai began taking off the scarf.

"U-uuh here you go." He said bashfully while handing the scarf to me.


"Huh? What do you mean no?"

"I said no because I want you you to have it. I-I-it's a small reminder of me." I mumbled the last part. "Now stay still."

"Yes ma'am!" He faked saluted.

I chuckled a bit and treated his wounds.

       ~~~~Time Skip ~~~~~

We walked back to the main room. It then dawned on me, why was mom here?

"Hey! Mom?" I asked


"Why are you here?"

She got up in front of everyone. "That's actually what I'm about to talk about." She turned to Korra and continued, "We need you to one back to the southern temple  where we could protect you."

"What! No! I'm perfectly capable of protecting myself." Korra protested

"No, not against this. They've escaped."

I gasped. Being the daughter of the chief of police has it perks. You get training, medical experience, and most important, information.

The others just looked around. They didn't know.

"Zaheer and his gang escaped, according to reports Amon has received the ability to air-bend." Mom continued.

Eventually after much deliberation we were heading back home. We were also going to utilize this time and train, not only the new airbenders but ourselves as well.

I walked back to the window and caught a last glimpse of Ba Sing Se, while Indri was sitting on my shoulder.

I know this was a short chapter, sorry but more Aliyah and Kai moments! I'll continue to update, maybe another one this week.
~Author-Chan out ✌️

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