Chapter 4

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{Aliyah's POV}

"Again! Faster! Now!"

I woke up to drills being run. I saw airbenders! I've never seen this many. Is this why the Earth Queen hostile about us looking for them? I started looking around and trying to move but I was restricted. Crystals surrounded me. Great something I can't bend, yet. I was getting annoyed as I saw how they treated the airbenders.

"Oi! Leave them! They can't handle it!! Want to fight someone fight me." I yelled

"Aliyah! You're ok!" Kai yelled relieved.

That's when the Dai Lee agent became annoyed. "If you have time to talk you aren't getting enough discs." He said

He proceeded to rapidly through more discs at him. He was fine at first until it overwhelmed him. I can't let him get anymore hurt. I began to grip the crystals that were right be my hand. It snapped! I saw it being molded in my hand and that's when I sent it to the disc. I was just in time and broke the disc before it reached Kai.

"You two! Take them to solitary, NOW!" The Dai Lee agent yelled.

We were dragged and thrown into a somewhat small cell. I turned to Kai and saw bruises. I started to get really worried. I started frantically checking for any other injuries. I lifted his chin getting my face extremely close to his neck and looked. I found a large bruise and touched it. He took a sharp inhale.

"Oh, I'm Sorry." I said. "You know what."

I reached for my scarf but it was missing. Where could it have gone? Probably with Indri, hopefully she's fine. I went for the one around my waist and tied it around his neck.

"So now it won't get worse. Don't put yourself in danger again." I said as I pouted

He chuckled and held up his hands.

"I'll try." He said

We saw there shoulder to shoulder and that's when a blue spirit came down in front of us, it was Jinora!

"Jinora! You can still astral project?"

Jinora nodded and explained how she could still project her spirit. She promised that she'll get us and the other airbenders out.

"Wait! Before you go, is Indri ok?" I asked

"She is, that's actually how we knew something was wrong." She said before she floated away.

~~~ Earlier That Day ~~~~

Mako and Bolin came back to the compound where the others are. They explained how the airbenders are being forced into an army. The earth queen suddenly came and told them there were reporting of airbenders. All of sudden the queen started sneezing.

"W-who has a-an animal *sneeze* here. I-if I f-find one it'll be your head!" She yelled at her advisor. She then stormed off.

Indri then came down from a tree with Aliyah's scarf.

"That's why the queen was sneezing. Indri what are you doing here? How did you get Aliyah's scarf?" Jinora asked clearly worried.

Something must be wrong, she never takes this off. And she wouldn't leave Indri on her own. Jinora thought.

Indri began to make movements trying to explain what happened. No one got it, except for Bolin.

"Aliyah and Kai were ambushed by Dai Lee agents and took them away! Aliyah tried her best but was knocked out!" Bolin yelled.

Indri nodded, while everyone just sweat dropped. How did Bolin understand that.

"That means Aliyah and Kai are in danger! M-maybe I can project my spirit, I still can but it isn't as powerful as before." Jinora said trying to find a solution.

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