Chapter 8

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{Aliyah's POV}

Since that day I've been distancing myself from everyone. I've been focusing on getting stronger, that became my one and only goal. After my mother would train me I would go in for hours, only stopping to feed Indri it eat myself. Today my mother let me off early so I went searching for Bolin and or Mako. They are decent sparring partners, one is strategic and the other relies on instinct. I was interrupted in my search.

"Hey, Aliyah." Kai said while waving me down.

"What." I looked at him with cold eyes, apathetic to the world around me.

"O-oh. Well I wanted to know if you wanted to, you know. Hang out?" He asked

"No." I continued walking past him. I need to get stronger. Prioritize.

"I get it! You need to practice, maybe another time." He yelled.

I continued walking away looking for the brothers, trying to ignore Kai. Trying to ignore my thoughts.

{Kai's POV}

I was walking and found Aliyah! I haven't seen her around much, this might be my chance. I finally gather the courage to ask her.

"No" she said

Maybe she's just busy. Yea! She's just busy. Next time!

"Maybe next time!" I yelled back, but she was already gone.

As I walked away I still couldn't shake off a weird feeling. I thought I got through to her. I though....we had a connection.

{Aliyah's POV}

I walked around, eventually finding the two. I grabbed both of their collars and brought them to the training room. The both started sweating profusely, since they knew what was going to happen next.

"H-hey, Aliyah. Why don't we take a break." Bolin suggested

"Yea, strenuous activity can strain the body. We can do this tomorrow." Make agreed

I looked back and gave them a deadly glare as I said "No."

They continued to sweat bullets, however it was worse. They knew I was going to train (beat) them harder. Once we got there I forced Mako to battle me first.

"Bolin, sit this one out. I'll battle Mako." I said

Bolin said a little prayer, thanking the gods above while Mako prayed for his life. I got into position waiting for Mako to begin.

"Begin." We yelled

Mako came at me first, striking with his right hand and releasing flames. I stood my ground and created a small wall and brought it down. Mako still advanced filling the air around me with fire. I never strayed and stood my ground, defending with layers of earth. I could sense that Mako was getting winded. My turn. I stomped on the ground sending waves (when Toph discovered metal bending) . I created pillars from the ground, each pushing Mako closer to me. Eventually he was in arms reach. I sent a side hook to Mako's right side. I sent a few more hooks at Mako before doing a side swept at his feet. Mako fell with a thud and I stood up.

"BOLIN! You're next." I yelled.

Mako slowly made his way back to the others while Bolin got close to me.

"Hey. you doing?"


"Well, tell Opal I said, hi."

That was it. I started. I immediately parted the ground by Bolin's feet. He was quick enough to create a pillar and launch himself up. I began to erect pillars while he was in mid-air forcing him to land. I couldn't see him, so I assumed he was hiding. I thumped my feet on the ground, to sense, gotcha. I bended my metal bracelets and hooked them onto Bolin's Arms and legs. This rendered him immobile, unable to bend. I began slugging him in the chest for a while. Eventually I had pity and let him go.

"Go, and put some ice on those bruises." I said. Before he left, I gave him a deadly look

"Don't you ever hurt Opal, I'm warning you

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"Don't you ever hurt Opal, I'm warning you."

After that he limped away. I continued to train, I brought out equipment. A right hook, another high kick, one more set. I have to get stronger, I need to. I punched the dummy with so much force the head fell off. That snapped me out of my mindset. I looked down at knuckles, they were bloodied, so were the bandages I wrapped over them. That's when I heard chirping.

"Indri! How have you been." I said with a small smile. She will never see me as weak, I can always trust her.

Indri actually handed me something. It was an assortment of berries and fruits, even a piece of bread. I assume that she stole the bread from the kitchen.

"Your telling me to eat, aren't you? Only if you join me." I told her.

I sat down while crossing my legs and handed Indri the berries. I started munching and Indri copied me. As soon as I finished as sleep overcomed me. I fell asleep on the ground while Indri curled up on my body.

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