Chapter 16

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{3rd Person POV}

The Red Lotus accomplished one of their goals. Chaos, reigned free through the Earth Kingdom mere moments after the walls came down. Looters immediately went to work, pillaging the richer, inner parts of the kingdom. The Red Lotus used said chaos to make their way back to the palace. Who was going to stop them anyway? Between the pillagers, looters, and lack of stability; no one.

Getting to the palace took a little longer than before, due to the chaos, obviously. Although this gave once unconscious Aliyah a chance to regain her senses, albeit slowly. Her vision was still rather blurry but she was able to make out frantic figures running around along with yells and screams. "What happened..." Aliyah murmured, her voice hoarse.

"Ah. So you're finally awake now, huh, kid? Good, at least it shows you're alive." Ghazan said, noticing the now conscious Aliyah; even going as far as poking her cheek. "Don't worry about what happen. Just, lie low." He continued.

Aliyah wanted to fight and struggle but she didn't. It wouldn't be rational, no not at all. It'll only anger Ghazan and the rest of the Red Lotus, and if it wasn't clear enough Aliyah was in no condition to fight. So it would be best to rest up and oblige for now. At least, that's what Aliyah told herself.

It seemed to be a good choice as Ghazan and the other Red Lotus continued their advance to the palace, soon arriving at its door. Wasting no time, the group made their way to the dungeon. Aliyah couldn't really distinguish the area but heard the familiar voices of Mako and Bolin behind bars.

"Aliyah! You're ok! Did they hurt you?" The boys said in unison. They really did care for Aliyah, despite the struggles they had before.

"Tsk. Tsk, tsk. Focus on me. I will let you leave only on the condition you send this message to Korra. Do you accept this proposal?" Zaheer said, looking down at Mako and Bolin.

The two were hesitant, with good reason too. The man who captured them, endangered the lives of their friends, and killed a monarch because of his ideals, was offering to free them. There was no way to know for sure that he wasn't lying; they weren't Aliyah or Toph after all. Mako glanced at Aliyah and then Bolin, before reluctantly agreeing. That brought a smile to Zaheer's face as he whispered a message to Mako before releasing the prison. Mako and Bolin stood there, staring at Aliyah in contemplation. They did not want to leave her behind and yearned to save her from the grasp of Ghazan. They managed to make eye contact with Aliyah, who mouthed 'Go on, I'll be ok.' Pained, Mako understood and left, bringing Bolin with him.

"Now, all we need is a mode of transportation. An airship will do nicely, I'm sure this palace will have some." Zaheer said, walking away from the cells.

The Red Lotus continued to follow their leader, Aliyah still being carried by Ghazan. They navigated the long corridors of the palace until they reached a landing bay. It was filled with various airships and other modes of transportation fit for a queen. Zaheer picked one that seemed in almost mint condition and loaded the Red Lotus onto the airship; embarking mere moments once everyone was on.

Once the airship was in the sky, everyone is left to their own devices. Ghazan sat Aliyah down at an empty table, in the seat across from him. He just sat there, staring at her; which only got a stare back from Aliyah. That is until something tussled underneath Ghazan's top. Soon it escapes its imprisonments and onto Aliyah's head with a chirp.

"Indri! You're alright." Aliyah exclaimed, relieved as Indri snuggled around her neck.

With a scoff, Ghazan said; "Of course she is. That pest means something to you. And even I have standards"

Aliyah casts a simple glance towards the man across the table before looking back at Indri; her eyes filled with indistinguishable emotions. If you would ask her, even Aliyah couldn't nor wanted to identify them. Silence filled the room as neither one of them initiated a conversation, Aliyah simply because she did not want to. Ghazan on the other hand didn't truly know how to. How would you start a conversation with your long-lost daughter that probably hates you? You could see why Ghazan was drawing a break then. 

The silence was eventually broken when Ghazan mumbled, "You look so much like her. . . "

"What?" Aliyah replied, being thrown off by the sudden words. She held Indri close in her arms as she turned to face him.

"Your mother, you look so much like her. " Ghazan repeated, clarifying what he meant.

A loud bang could be heard in the room, as Aliyah slammed her hand onto the table. Once more it was silent before Aliyah spoke up, her carmine eyes staring back into Ghazan's light golden brown eyes. "My mother is Lin Beifong! Not the woman that left me all those years ago. And you are not my father." Aliyah seethed

The action that would unnerve many caused a chuckle to escape Ghazan's lips. "That fire of yours, it's just like your mother. Admit it, kid, you're curious about her, aren'tcha?" He said.

Aliyah remained silent and still, with her hand firmly placed on the table as her eyes continued to bore into Ghazan's. He was right and she hated it. Aliyah wanted to learn more about, Hamma, her mother. So many questions accumulated throughout the years, questions that Lin couldn't answer but Ghazan could. But could she trust him? Should she trust him? Every cell in her body was screaming not but for some reason, a quiet 'yes' escaped her lips.

Sitting back down, Aliyah weakly said; "Yes, tell me what you know about her."

A clear smile appeared on Ghazan's face as he leaned back. "Well, she-"


I'm not dead, surprisingly! I'm sorry for the dry spout and impromptu hiatus. Motivation was low and school was getting stressful. I'll eventually finish this story, so don't worry!

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