Chapter 10

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{Aliyah's POV}

Ever since that night I skipped sleeping. The tremors were brushed off as an earthquake, yet I don't remember that. Instead of sleeping I would pretend to go to bed and then sneak out. I would usually train or feed some animals. This has been going on for several day. It's been taking a toll, but I need to tolerate it.

{3rd Person POV}

Everyone has been beginning to worry about Aliyah. Well, except for Lin, she was too busy with other ordeals to notice this. Notice that, Aliyah was overworking herself and it's evident. Tenzin, who thought of Aliyah as a niece wanted to intervene, yet something was holding him back. Enough was enough and he knew he needed to help.

He went to Lin to discuss everything that's been happening.

"Lin." Tenzin said

"The plans are almost ready." She replied

"Lin" He continued.

"I said they're almost ready."

"Lin! It's not about that. Aliyah, have you noticed her lately." Tenzin said in a worried tone

"Yes, she's been focusing on her bending, I'm proud." Lin said without a second thought.

"Do you not notice! She's passed her limit. She needs help, if you're not going I will."

That's when the door is slammed open. Kai and Jinora had a worried expression.

"Help! Aliyah's just collapsed!" Jinora yelled, pulling Tenzin with her.

Before he left he gave Lin a look and then continued.

{Aliyah's POV}

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. I quickly sat up and looked around. There was a bunch of medical items and Jinora's book. From the I deducted that I was brought to a medical office. I shifted and sat on the edge of the bed. My entire body was aching, begging for more rest. I set one foot on the ground and then the next. I tried standing but that didn't work.

"Aach!" I grunted as I fell.

I heard a gasp from outside a room. Some yelled 'she's awake'. Emerging from behind the door was Kai, Jinora, Opal, and Tenzin. Even my aunt stopped by, but not my mother. Jinora and Opal helped me up, and hugged me. Kai just stood at the side.

"W-why? Why are you pushing yourself, why are you pushing us away? Why are you doing this to yourself" I was asked.

I looked down at my hands, started shaking. "I'm sorry." I whispered. Tenzin sent everyone out of the room for a bit. As soon as I heard the door clicked closed he hugged me. I didn't push away, I tightened my hold on his clothes. I started crying.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry

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"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't protect them, I'm sorry for being WEAK." I yelled.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't notice this sooner." I recognized the voice, mother.

I looked up she opened her arms and hugged me. This was the first time in  months that she hugged me. Tenzin left us not before petting my head. 

"Aliyah, you are not weak. Ever since I found you I knew you had a strength in you. A strength I would never had, that's why I pushed you to do better. But I never wanted this to happen." Mother told me.

A familiar pressure was felt on my head, I reached up and pet Indri's fur. Thank you for staying with me through this.

~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~

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~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~

After some forced rest I was able to leave the infirmary. My main goal was to finally open up to Kai, Jinora, and Opal. After searching with them with the help of Indri I found them by the pond I always visited. Walking up behind them I held out a basket.

"Aren't you going to feed the turtle-ducks?" I said in a teasing tone

"Aliyah" Kai yelled and tackled me in a hug. Jinora and Opal came up next to us.

"We were so worried!"

"I know, I know and I'm sorry. I'm here to give you guys an explanation because you deserve it." I said

Sitting in a circle with Indri on my lap I began to explain my nightmares, but not everything.

"-And that's why I kept pushing myself. I want to be strong enough to protect all of you. You guys mean the world to me." I stated

"Next time please don't push yourself for our sake. The stress will only kill us faster." Jinora said.

I knew what she meant, and it was comforting. Maybe everything can go back to normal. Little did I know things were going to change and soon.

 Little did I know things were going to change and soon

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Finally done with the growth arc! Took longer than expected but hopefully you liked it and the feelings it invoked. The Red Louts will be appearing soon, along with a few twists.

            ~Author-Chan out ✌️

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