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Tall deer reader was in the prison when sam comes to get them to go get dream but warns sam they have favor in debt to him so if he uses it they will fight back. Random ideas go Brrr while I have 8 other drafts :) 

Reader description: so like, the schlatt design with the horns and ram ears but its antlers and deer ears and are like, hella tall. like, 7 ft tall. enjoy I guess???

The prison. It was lonely most of the time, that was when Sam wasn't wandering around because he had nothing to do. If anything, he was good company. He taught you how to play chess with him through the cell door. It was nice. You talked with him, being the only real connection to the outside world. Before the prison was built, you were stuck in a small room that was almost always guarded under the Community house. But the moment the last brick of the prison was placed, you were thrown in. And only two people knew why. 

You, and Dream.

You had caught him taking Beckerson and followed him to his bunker in the mountains. When he realized this, he was quick to imprison you for "Crimes against humanity and theft" blaming you for stealing Beckerson and hiding him where nobody would find him when questioned. Truth was, you knew too much. 

So, when Sam came running in, enderchest in hand, flicking switches and pressing buttons, the door opening suddenly, you were confused. "Sam? What's goin' on?" You asked as he started pulling out glowing Purple armor. "Tommy's in Danger. He said he would be back an hour ago, and Punz found a new nether portal. We think Tommy and Tubbo are there and in danger. We need everyone we can get." He responded handing you the armor as you slipped it on over your normal clothes. If Tommy and Tubbo were in danger, you were going to be there to help. They were like younger brothers to you, you having helped them since L'Manberg, being captured shortly after.

As the two of you left the Prison, you stopped Sam. "Listen, I have a favor in Debt to Dream, and if he wants to turn it in, I can't refuse," you said looking around. So much had changed since you had been thrown in. "Why's that?" he asked. Not in a way that sounded upset, but rather out of curiosity. "Goes against my morals. I'm loyal to my favors. I'm sorry if that's any kind of inconvenient." You said as the two of you sprinted to the overworld nether portal. "It's ok. I understand. I don't know if the others will though." When the two of you reached the portal, your ear flicked, not being used to the sound. Sam walked in first, you Ducking down to follow him in.

~Time skip to Dreams bunker~

Everyone was already in the room looking around at the Blackstone bricks and bedrock that lined the floor and walls when Sam stepped through the portal, saying that he would stick his hand through when you could come in. Seeing his hand come through the portal, you grabbed it as you were pulled through into the room, everyone gasping at your presence. You practically loomed over everyone. "What are They doing here?" Sapnap asked as you looked over at him. "I found out this existed and Dream locked me up because I knew too much." 

Dream had been cornered, he had no armor and was stuck in an obsidian box, and for the first time, he looked afraid. That was, until he saw you. Sam had told you you might have to fight, which is why he gave you the armor. But then, the worst-case scenario happened. Dream spoke up. 

"I'd like to cash in that favor, (Y/N)."

Sam saw the look on your face when he said that. You obviously didn't want to help him, but he remembered what you had told him 'I have to. If I don't, it goes against my morals. I'm sorry' Walking over to where Tommy stood in front of the box, you looked at him with an apologetic look on your face. You pushed him out of the way, him dropping Dreams ax in the process. You picked up the ax and stood in front of the box to keep anyone from hitting Dream.

This wasn't gonna end well.


I wanted to get something out, so it's a little rushed! I hope you enjoyed!

Vote or lose ur kneecaps

(DISCONTINUED) DreamSMP x reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now