December [part 2 of AIFIWASF]🎄

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Part 2 of All is Fair in War and Snowball fights. Enjoy!

December. usually, a time for families to get together and spend time with each other for the holidays. Usually. This December was different, however, as two of the family members were dead, one was exiled and living under the quote un-quote 'retired' one house, while the last one was stuck under house arrest. A perfectly normal December for a perfectly normal Family.

Something off-putting about a ghost was the fact that only people you were close with could see you on their own. You had to make yourself visible to everyone else. This made it easier to get around, in your opinion, but everyone would be a little freaked out when the snow nobody had walked on suddenly had footprints. You had been walking around the SMP for a bit, until you saw Tubbo, Ranboo, And Fundy Following Quackity into a hole in the wall. Following them but staying hidden just in case any of them could see you and you didn't know.

The room was filled wall to wall with pictures of Techno. Some had his eyes marked out, others had a big circle with a line through it, while another was a wanted poster like the one outside. The conversation you had heard was an interesting one. Hit lists, axes, and getting rid of Techno and Dream. Not thinking too much of it, you left the area about to go find Techno. You hadn't spoken to him in a while, and you wanted to see him. As you were walking, you passed a house that semi sat on a hill. Standing on the small porch of the house was someone you hadn't spoken to in years. 


He was looking around until he spotted you, your grey-toned transparent skin startling him slightly. "(Y-Y/N)? is that you?" He asked as you walked over to him. You honestly preferred walking and running over floating. It made you feel slightly alive still. As you got to where he was, he tried to put a hand on your shoulder, but it phased through. He looked at you as you gave him a small sad smile. "Hey, Dad," you said as he started crying slightly. "What happened...?" he asked. "I may or may not have been hit by a wither?" You responded, it sounding more like a Question. Deciding to catch up with him, the two of you walked into his house.

~Time Skip~

After talking with Phil for a while, you were able to find out where Techno was staying.  he was 'Retired.' yeah, that was bullshit. Techno didn't just stop fighting. Deep in the woods, a good way across the ocean was snow. ice had formed on the shore, so you started walking through the woods. eventually, you came across a house in a clearing. it was made out of spruce wood and cobble and was covered in a good amount of snow. outside was a fenced-off area connected to the house that had a brown horse in shining blue armor. walking up the stairs of the house, you tried your best to knock on the door, it being fainter than you would have liked it to be.

After a few moments of attempting to knock on the door to gain Techno's attention, you heard footsteps approaching the door. "I'm coming, I'm coming, give me a sec. Jeez, what do you want Phi-" Techno said, opening the door to see you there instead of Phil. "(Y/N)? H- how are you...? I thought I -" He stuttered. "Hey, Techno. Long time no see, huh?" You said as he looked at you. "Can I uh- can I come in? I'm not cold, but you might be if this door stays open any longer," you said with a small smile. He opened the door fully and you walked in. "How are you-" he started, but you cut him off. "Alive? I'm not. I'm dead. I'm a ghost." You said looking around the room, noticing the enderman in a boat. 

"What're you doing here?" He asked looking over at you. You pulled something out of your pocket and handed it to him. "Merry Christmas, Techno." It was a simple gold locket on a gold chain, in the shape of an oval, and in the center was a small shining off purple stone. Netherite. Opening the locket, he saw it was a picture of him, Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, And you when him and Wilbur were teenagers, and you, Tommy, and Tubbo were only 11, 9, and 10. Phil stood in the background with his arms around all of you, a proud smile on his face. You all were outside, bundled up in the snow. Everyone had a smile on their faces, even Techno had a small smile on his face. Looking back up at you, you smiled and spoke. "Phil thought it would be a good idea to give you that. Remind you of happier times, you know?"

If Techno could, he would have been hugging you right then. He smiled slightly as a tear ran down his cheek. As he kept looking at the locket, you phased through the floor down to his basement. In the basement, you saw Tommy laying in a yellow bed. He looked beat. What had happened to him? Looking down at his hand, you saw he was holding a compass in his hand that had been popped open. The top of the compass read 'your Tubbo' and was pointing in the general direction of L'Manberg. You remember Ghostbur saying something about how he had given one to Tommy and one to Tubbo, but something had happened to Tubbo's. Getting what you thought was a good idea, you went to Find Ghostbur.

~Time skip to night, Tubbo's POV~

Hearing a Faint knocking on his door as he was about to go to bed, Tubbo walked to his door. opening it slightly as not to let any cold air in, he saw a chest with his name on top. Opening it up, he found a note Taped to a compass.

Dear Tubbo,

I heard what happened to your compass, so I worked with Ghostbur to get you a new one. it doesn't lead exactly to where Tommy is, but it goes in the general direction. I hope that's ok. hope you have a Merry Christmas!

- Ghost (Y/N)

Ghost (Y/N)? You were a ghost? He hadn't seen you, were you just as sneaky as you were when you were alive? Taking the note off the compass, he opened it up and smiled as tears started to fall down his face.

'Your Tommy'


hope you enjoyed every one! have a safe and Merry Christmas! sorry, it's kinda short!

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