Blizzard (SMP)[platonic]🎄

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Prompt: SMP holds a Christmas party, and a snowstorm picks up, but the reader has not arrived yet.

everyone is alive and on good terms here for reasons :)

pronouns: They/Them

Everyone had Gathered in Eret's castle for Christmas, the fireplace roaring keeping everyone warm from the snow that had started to fall outside. There was a tree that had been decorated with numerous ornaments of different shapes and colors that were slightly illuminated by the surrounding lights. Almost everyone had gathered in the dining hall for dinner, a few people just arriving. There was one chair that was still empty after everyone had arrived.


You had told everyone you would be there to eat dinner and open gifts, but you had yet to arrive. the wind had started to howl outside, and snow falling like there was no tomorrow, it looked like you had either not left your house, or we're stuck in the raging blizzard outside. Everyone was worried about you. So they all gathered to plan. Some of them would go out to start looking, and others would stay in. After 15 minutes, they would switch off. Dream, SapNap, George, Bad, and Ant were out first to look. They all put on their heavy coats and boots, hats, scarves, and gloves. They all had bags with them that had extras of what they all had, a heavy blanket, and some hot chocolate in a thermos. 

You had left your base about 30 minutes ago, not realizing what time it was, or that a storm had started to pick up. You had harnessed all your dogs up, all 8 of the unusually large husky's had been fed beforehand, making sure they were ready. While yes, it was a hassle to live in the snowy mountains, the view was amazing, and you had all the privacy you could ask for. It did get lonely sometimes, but you were always happy to see one of your friend's familiar faces walk through the nether portal every now and then.

Making sure all the dogs were all harnessed up one last time before you left, you called them out, all of them barking when you called them. You had named the 8 of them after Santa's reindeer, thinking you were a genius for connecting the dots. (8 dogs pulling your sled, 8 reindeer on Santa's sleigh, get it?)

"Dasher?" one bark

"Dancer?" second bark

"Prancer?" three

"Vixen?" four

"Comet?" that's five

"Cupid?" six

"Donner?" seven



Blitzen must've wriggled out of the reins again. You really needed to tighten them a little more to keep her in. This was the third time she had done it this month between supply runs. Walking around your base, calling her name, you found her sitting by the door with the bag that had all your friend's gifts in them. You had almost forgotten about them. Almost. "Thanks for the reminder, Blitzen, but we've got to go. Go sit by the sled, ok?" Blitzen ran off in that direction as you swung the sack over your shoulder, making your way back to the sled.

Setting the bag onto the sled, you tied it down so it wouldn't go flying. Walking to the front where Blitzen sat patiently by her harness, you hooked her back up and went to the sled. Picking up the reins, the two bells you had attached to the side jingling slightly as you did so. You pulled up your mask over your nose and mouth to keep the majority of your face warm, pulling up the hood of your coat. Making the reins sound with a small snap and a loud "Mush!", you were off

The wind had substantially picked up as you neared the SMP lands, the snow starting to pick up a good amount. You were exhausted as the SMP came into view, the cold temperatures making you tired. the husky's continuing to do their job not knowing how tired you were. A sudden loss of weight made the dogs at the back of the reins halt and look back, not seeing their owner. Once they all came to a stop, Blitzen managed to escape her harness to look back for you. Once she spotted you, she dashed over, grabbing the hood of your coat to bring you back to the sleigh. Pulling you back onto it, she barked, and the sleigh started moving again. 

It had been an hour since everyone had switched to look for you. Currently, Eret, Fundy, Techno, Schlatt, Wilbur, And Dream were all out looking for you. Dream had insisted he come out with the rest of them to look for you. He seemed really worried. He and Schlatt both had Torches on them as the light from earlier had completely gone out, the flames almost going out a few times due to the wind. In the distance, Schlatt did a double-take as he thought he saw something moving in the distance, which he had. "HEY!" He shouted, gaining everyone's attention as he saw the familiar pack of husky's become slightly larger as they drew near. "I think it's them!" He said as the sleigh got closer.

Your sleigh had come to a halt at the base of the stairs leading to the castle's entrance, you laying on the sled with one of the husky's lying on top of you to keep you warm. (fun fact! rescue dogs in snowier places like mountains actually do this to the people to keep them from getting hypothermia!) Eret was quick to take the bag off his shoulders and get out the warm blanket he had, running over to you. Blitzen looked up at Eret before getting up so he could place the blanket on you. Picking you up, he watched as the others worked to remove the harness from your dogs so they could come inside as well. Blitzen barked, catching his attention as he turned around to see her by the bag. "Hey Dream!" Eret said, Dream turning around. He gestured toward the bag on the sleigh as he went over and untied it, bringing it inside.


You started to wake up slightly, hearing the sounds of whispering around you, 'till a fairly high pitched voice spoke - or rather, shouted. "Hey! they're waking up!" Tommy shouted, everyone, gathering around to see if you were ok. You looked up at the high ceiling above you, your vision slightly blurry. Blinking a few times, you saw the faces of your friends Tommy, Eret, Dream, and Wilbur all looking at you. attempting to sit up and almost falling back, you looked over when you felt a hand on the small of your back, seeing Nikki with a worried smile on her face.

Finally sitting up, You were handed a mug from SapNap. Looking in it, you saw it had some hot chocolate in it. Looking down, you saw you no longer had your boots and gloves on, as well as your coat. Smiling, you took a sip from the hot chocolate, it warming you up instantly. Looking around, you saw almost everyone in the room, a few of them just walking in. Hearing an oh-so-familiar voice shout your name, and then heavy footsteps running into the room, you quickly set down the mug to keep from spilling. Looking back up, you were immediately tackled into a bone-crushing hug by none other than Quackity.

"I'm so glad you're alive!" He shouted, squeezing you a little tighter as you let out a small wheeze, losing your airflow slightly as a few people chuckled. "Alright," You heard Schlatt say. "Let them go, they just almost died, we don't need that again," he said, and Quackity let you go. Hearing the sound of multiple claws and paws against the floor, you braced yourself for impact as your dogs all jumped up tackling you as you laughed.

You were so glad to be surrounded by all your friends, inside from the storm that later on kept you all there for 3 days after.


I'm sorry this took so long to get out, school has been taking a toll on me, and in my other book, I'm having some trouble writing some scenes. but! updates will come out soon.

vote or lose ur kneecaps

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