Rescue (Ph1LzA) [platonic]

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monkey brain gave me an idea, I may use it in my other book later idk man

pronouns: they/them

WARNING!: mentions of death

(let me know if I missed any I should add)

the reader is 16 in this, and is about 5'2" 

no respawn

Wilbur had started to walk off after Tubbo had been given the position of president. You were worried about him. Everything was going to be ok, right? They had won, right? So why did Wilbur still have a look of defeat and hatred on his face? What was wrong? You and Wilbur told each other everything, he was like a brother to you. Before everything went down the two of you took care of each other, the two of you being mostly alone. Then there was the betrayal, Tommy almost died, The election, Tubbo almost died, Schlatt died, and now L'Manberg was free again, right?

You silently followed behind him, watching as he mined some stone, entering a bunker. Following him down into it, you glanced around the stone room. Words scribbled on the walls, you realized it was the lyrics to the song he wrote after he was exiled. In the center of the room was a seat, and in the middle of the front wall was a button. The button. He wouldn't, would he? "Wilbur?" You said, him whipping around to face you, a smirk placed on his face. "Wilbur, whatever you're going to do, it's not worth it," You started, slowly trying to approach him. "L'Manberg is back now, you should be out there with everyone else, right?"

"No, no no no no no, listen (Y/N). It still isn't right. It's not meant to be. What did Dream say? Did he say I was the Traitor? Did he? He's lying. He's been lying. It's Techno. He has 2 withers. At the ready. Any time now!" He shouted, throwing his arms out. "It's over! After this? There will be nothing left! This symphony will remain unfinished! Mark my words!" He shouted turning around facing the button. "It's Over!" He said, almost pressing the button...

When his communicator went off. Everyone had one so they could all talk to each other from large distances. Backing away from the button slightly, he answered it. "What are you doing?" the voice from the communicator said. It sounded a little familiar like you had heard it once, but couldn't match a face with it. "Phil...?" Wilbur mumbled, a look of shock going over his features. "What are you doing." The voice said again, in a more stern and disappointed tone, as if a father was scolding his child. "I'm not- I wasn't doing anything! We just- we just made Tubbo president, we um," Wilbur scrambled. He was nervous. Nobody had ever made Wilbur that nervous except one person. You had met him briefly once, but you never really spoke with him. 

"We um, We made Tubbo president and we won! We won the war! Schlatts gone - Schlatts gone so Phil it's um- it's- it's good." Wilbur said in a panicky tone, Several 'uh - huh's coming from the communicator as he spoke. "You are where exactly now?" Phil asked as Wilbur looked frantically around the room, pacing slightly. "In... L'Manberg, it's- it's in the general area - I don't think you would know, you've never been here - uh - but it's the area around... L'Manberg - its complicated y-you know Geography and all that, its complicated, Ge-Geography, its- its- its- Geography and all that stuff, i- uh-" Wilbur stutter out, looking to the entrance of the bunker. Standing there was a man, Roughly 6 foot tall, blond hair, stubble, and blue eyes. What stood out most about him, was the fact that he had huge grey wings. 

"Mhm." Phil hummed, looking at Wilbur with slight disappointment on his face. "I -" Wilbur mumbled, looking over to you as if to say, 'Help me out here'. looking over to Phil, he spoke again. "In L'Manburg, huh?" Wilbur looked panicked, upset even. "I'm always so close to pushing the button, Phil! And somebody always gets in my way!" He shouted, looking between you and Phil. "I've been here so many times, they're fighting out there Phil, this is the only chance I'm going to get!" Phil looked at him, worry rushing over his face. "And you just want to blow it all up?" He said. "I - I do I just, I'm," Wilbur said, sighing.

"You've fought so hard for this land back, why blow it up?" Phil said, attempting to get Wilbur to back down. They kept talking back and forth, Wilbur getting closer to the button every step closer Phil took. You were scared. What was going to happen? If Wilbur pressed the button, so many people would get hurt. All of your friends, even the ones who 'betrayed' you, would either get severely hurt or die. You were afraid. "(Y/N), you need to leave, find somewhere safe." Wilbur said, looking over at you. Phil must have just taken notice of you, looking over at you with a slight amount of shock. "Wilbur, you brought a child here with you? What were you thinking?!" Phil shouted. "They followed me. (Y/N), go. Get as far away from here as you can. I don't need you getting hurt." He said, a look of pity on his face. "No, I'm staying here. You've helped me through so much, let me help you now," You said, standing your ground. Chuckling, Wilbur looked back over at Phil. "You know Phil, there was a saying, by a traitor. Eret, you know him?" Wilbur said, giving a small smile. "You know what he said? It was never meant to be." Wilbur said.

And pushed the button.

The sound of a spark being lit by Redstone filled the room as one bang went off. Then another. Wilbur had his arms flung out, facing the wall with a proud look on his face. The walls shook, debris falling from the ceiling as it crumbled. You stood there, scared, and paralyzed with fear. Rubble started forming as things collapsed. "Kid!" You heard Phil shout. Closing your eyes, you felt someone grab hold of you, enveloping you in what felt like a hug. Your face and ears had been covered as you were moved, still being protected. Debris shot out from most sides, some hitting your arms and legs, some rubble scraping your arms leaving scratches, scars, and some bruises. 

Tears fell out of your eyes as you shook, shock still present. You couldn't see much, but you took a guess at what had happened. Phil had moved in front of you and protected you from the rubble. This man, who you had only met once, decided your life mattered over his and protected you, putting himself in harm's way. The explosions were coming to a stop when you heard him starting to talk to you, attempting to comfort you. "You ok?" he asked, continuing to hold you in a comforting way. Noticing your shaking, he continued to speak. "It's ok, you're gonna be ok, I've got you. You're ok," he said, rubbing your back. While you kept looking down, he looked around the room for Wilbur. He had been thrown against the wall from the explosion. He was knocked out, but still alive. But he needed help.

Phil carefully took you into his side, holding you close so you wouldn't see the horrors outside. He went over to Wilbur, holding him as best he could. He was going to take the two of you back to the small base he had made a few miles away. It was a long way, but the three of you would be safe. He noticed you trying to look behind you to see the damage as people continued to shout. Moving out one of his wings to block your view, he looked down at you and smiled. "It's ok. We're going back to my base to patch the 2 of you up, ok? Everythings going to be alright." He said with a comforting look.

As the 2 of you walked away from the damage, Phil carrying Wilbur, he kept you distracted by talking. He knew you heard the Withers being spawned, and he didn't want you to be afraid. From the way His son spoke of you, you were like a younger Sibling to Wilbur. And as such, he promised Wilbur months ago that if anything were to happen for you to be taken care of. And he would be damned if he didn't keep his promise. 

Part 2 maybe? let me know! hope you enjoyed!

Words: 1418

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