*insert incredible spider related pun here*

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The reader is Spiderman but Gender Neutral, I'm not really sure what the gender-neutral term for Spiderman would be, so if you know let me know and I'll change it! Enjoy!

extra info, the reader is an adult (19-20) in this, Spiderman AU, the suit is dark grey with neon (f/c) web designs on it.

Swinging through the streets of New York in the Snow was amazing. Cold, but amazing. Shooting Another web, you pulled yourself to the top of a building having a decent view of the City below. You sat there, patiently waiting for something, Anything, to happen. Peter had always said to be vigilant in case anything happened. And then, something did. 

Looking down to the streets, a truck had been transferring something that put you on edge. The truck and whatever it had been carrying were a dark grey color with accents of a bright blue that looked like they were glowing. The blue looked like it was moving, almost sloshing around. It was some kind of liquid. And it was nothing good. Behind that truck was another one that had what looked like a cage being transferred on it. Turning on your night vision in your mask, you could see several stray cats and dogs in the cage. Following the Trucks closely, you followed them until they stopped at the old warehouses that had been abandoned a few months back. What took you by was the number of guards that were outside keeping watch. Whatever was going on was big.

Even though you had been doing this for about 2 years now, you still felt it was good to ask for help when needed. There were too many people to takedown on your own. The most logical thing to do was to call backup. So you did.

(key! you, Peter, Miles)

"you rang?"

"Hey, Pete, got a problem, Downtown Brooklyn. Buncha guys, stray animals, and some super bad looking chems. You got time to swing by?"

"That's a problem. I'm With MJ in Symkaria right now. BUT I do know someone who can help you."

"Who might that be?"

"One sec- and- Miles! This is (Y/N). they need some assistance in- Where did you say?"

"Abandoned Warehouse in Downtown Brooklyn. Some sketchy guys with Sketchy chemicals in a big truck."

"I think I can make that. Brooklyn is about 30 minutes from Harlem, right? I can be at your location as soon as I can."

"Thank's Miles. See you then."

Just as you ended the call, another one popped up. Looking at the contact, you answered. "(Y/N)? Where the hell are you? I thought you said you were running some last-minute errands?" Schlatt said. You could hear him pacing as he spoke, and he sounded worried. You had been coming back later and later to the apartment, so you understood his worry. "hey Schlatticus. Sorry, I'm running a little late. Trains taking forever to get here. Something about ice on the tracks. I'll be there as soon as possible, ok?" hearing him sigh, he responded. "Ok, just, be safe, alright? It gets dangerous out there at this hour." chuckling slightly, you spoke. "Sure thing, Jaylor Schwift." You said. "Hey, don't call me that-" you cut him off by hanging up.

Looking back at the warehouse, you saw the two trucks drive into the biggest one, and even then it looked like there was barely enough room for both the trucks. You then heard what sounded like an elevator working. There was something below the surface they were hiding. Hearing someone land beside you, you looked over to see another spiderman. "You Miles?" you asked. "Sure am. What does it look like over there?" he asked. "The trucks went in that warehouse, and then something that sounded like an elevator turned on. I think they went underground."

(DISCONTINUED) DreamSMP x reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now