(Request 4!) Who are you again? (Tubbo) [Platonic]

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[Requested Anomynously!] I hope you enjoy!

Prompt: The reader gets exiled with Tommy and Wilbur, so Tubbo and the reader send each other letters back and forth. When the festival comes up, an event occurs and Tubbo loses his memory.

Warning! mentions of death and gore ahead!

Pronouns: they/them

To say the day of the election was a bad day for you and your friends was an understatement. Not only had You, Wilbur, and Tommy been exiled from your home, but Tubbo had been appointed as Schlatt's Right-hand man. You could see how upset he was. You could tell he wanted to leave. But he couldn't. Not with Schlatt around. 

To your surprise a few days later, you saw Tubbo walking through the ravine you now called home. You ran up to him and hugged him, taking him by surprise slightly as he almost fell over. The two of you chatted for a bit, you learning he was going to be a spy on the inside for Pogtopia. before he left again, you had an idea. "Hey, Tubbo," You said as he started walking up the staircase. "What if we sent each other letters? You cant always be here to talk, so what if we sent letters to keep in touch?" You asked, giving him a hopeful look. "We would have to be careful, but it could work!" he said. "What could go wrong?"

So much. So much could go wrong. And it did.

The day of the festival came around, and so did the event that broke so many people. Schlatt was giving his schpiel on how he knew Tubbo was sneaking off when he said something. "And those silly little letters you were sending to your friend? You were just Digging your grave even deeper!" He said as Tubbo was traped. Techno had been called up to the stage. He wouldn't, would he? You looked down on the stage as techno pulled out his crossbow. You couldn't hear anything, but you knew it wasn't anything good. You reached into your pocket and pulled out a shiny dark green orb. Then he did it. Techno pulled the trigger. You watched as a rocket plunged into Tubbo's chest, his blood beginning to pool as he fell onto the stage. In an act of anger and rage, you threw the ender pearl and pulled out your sword, ready to strike.

As you landed on the stage with a thud, you swung at Techno. You just barely missed as he jumped forward and closer to the crowd, continuing to fire. Looking back you saw where Tubbo laid. You knew he was close to the brink of death. Sure, he would respawn, but at what cost? The last person you knew who that happened to... 'maybe it was just for them?' you hoped.

You had dropped to your knees, holding Tubbo in your hands. He opened his eyes slightly, looking up at you. He smiled, attempting to reassure you that everything would be ok. And just like that, he was gone in a small puff of smoke. He was gone. The only thing you saw now was the blood on your hands. Shaking, you stood up. The screams around you were still muffled. You started to sprint in the direction.

Making it to his base, you threw the door open to reveal Tubbo sitting there, confusion written on his face. When he heard the door slam open, he looked over with wide eyes. He was even more confused when you threw your arms around him. "Tubbo! I'm so glad you're ok!" you said, tears welling in your eyes slightly. Pulling back, you looked at him. Then, he spoke. "Wait, Who are you? How do you know my name?" he asked. 

Oh no.

Oh God no.

"Tubbo, what do you mean? It's me! (Y/N)!" You said, tears starting to well in your eyes. 'no' You thought, 'no no no no no. He couldn't have forgotten, could he?' He looked down, thinking when he spoke again. "I'm really sorry, I - I don't remember you," He said with a sad smile. At that moment, you broke down. He had forgotten. He had forgotten everything but his own name. Your best friend didn't remember you. And it broke you. 

You had never felt more alone.

Words: 716

I'm really sorry that this is short and it seems rushed, my motivation has been kinda low as of recent. I hope you enjoyed!

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