Deal With a Ghost-Dictator

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I need you all to shout at me to finish the next chapter of Novae Spes because motivation is not there and I think someone shouting at me to finish it will help. idk. Anyway, enjoy!

pronouns: they/them

You had arrived a few days after everything was blown up. You had only shown up because of a strange letter you had gotten in the mail 'requesting your presence for an unknown amount of time'. Thinking nothing of it, you showed up thinking it would be a nice land where you could settle for a bit. It was far from that. The ground was blown up, some places were only slightly re-built, and to top it all off, a funeral was being held. You didn't know anyone there, so you decided to try and find the person who had sent you the letter.

The only clue you had was a smiley face signed as the name. You decided to ask the closest person if they had any ideas as to who it was. Tapping their shoulder, they turned around revealing a person with short brown hair in a general's uniform. You almost immediately recognized him. "Tubbo? Is that really you?" You asked. He looked at you and smiled before pulling you into a hug. 

"(Y/N)! how are you here?" He asked as the two of you separated. "I got a letter. Know anybody named 'smiley face?'" You asked, showing him the letter. He looked over it for a moment before he looked back at you. "I think I know, follow me!" He said, walking away as you followed. Deciding to make small talk, you asked, "Why is there a funeral? Who died?" You asked as he looked over at you. "The old president. Not many people liked him. He was an alcoholic and just a bully in general. He had a heart attack in the middle of the war." He finished as the two of you reached a group of three people. One was wearing a white shirt with a fire design on it, the other had white goggles, and the tallest one wore a green sweatshirt, and low and behold, a mask with a smile on it.

Clearing his throat, Tubbo spoke. "Dream, this is my friend (Y/N). They said they got a letter from you?" He said as you pulled out the paper. Dream Turned around, the people behind him staring daggers at you. "You're here!" Dream said, sticking out his hand for you to shake. Taking it, he explained a little bit about why you were there, asking if you would walk with him to talk. You looked back at Tubbo. "Is it alright if I catch up with you later?" you asked as he nodded, waving goodbye before walking off.

~time skip, like 2 days~

You were sitting in the comfort of the small above ground base, reading a book Wil- Ghostbur had lent you. You were lost in your thoughts until you smelt something. It was a mix of Whiskey, Cigar smoke, and Toast. It wasn't overwhelming, but it was strange. You weren't a big drinker and had only smoked once in your life, and you currently weren't making toast, so why did it smell like that in your house? Looking up from your book, you glanced around, only to see somebody sitting in the chair a few feet away from you. 

He kind of reminded you of Ghostbur with the semi pale, almost grey skin. He was wearing what looked like a Light Blue sweater and some jeans. And to top it all off, he had ram horns coming out of his head. He had one of the few books Wilbur had lent you in his had, seemingly reading it. He must've felt you staring at him because he looked up and looked right back at you.

Putting down the book, you flinched slightly when he stood and walked over to you. Stopping in front of you, He spoke, his voice slightly raspy as if he had been coughing for a long time. "So, you new in town?" He asked, looking down at you. "I- um- uh- yeah, I am. H-How did you get in my house?" You asked stuttering. He chuckled before responding. "I walked in," He said with a smile. It was offputting. It wasn't happy, more so ...mischievous? "Now I get to ask you something," he said, leaning forward closer to you. "How would you like to make a deal?"

~time skip again! (sorry)~

Tubbo had noticed slight changes about you whenever you walked around the SMP or L'Manberg. At first, he thought it was just the fact that you had changed over the amount of time he hadn't seen you for, but then it got really weird. You had started wearing beanies and hats more often than usual. You usually wore more comfy clothes like sweatshirts and a pair of semi-loose jeans. Now you had started wearing button-ups with vests and occasionally a tie. You used to be all bubbly, practically bouncing places if the situation wasn't serious. Now you walked everywhere like you were in no rush. You looked cold. Calculated. And most of the time, your smile wasn't there anymore. Instead, it was a smirk. One that reminded him of Him, way too much. It was like every day, you were becoming a completely different person.

Tubbo had gathered some people in the small bunker he had made. Ghostbur, Quackity, and Tommy, to be exact. they all had been meeting to see if they could figure out what was going on. All of them had had some kind of off-putting experience with you, even after only knowing you for about 2 days. "Anything new?" Tubbo asked, looking around. Quackity raised his hand and began to recall what had happened not even 24 hours ago.

Quackity had attempted to confront you about the way you had been acting lately. "All I'm saying is your... different. So much more than different than what Tubbo had said," He said, looking at you. You were wearing a white button-up with a black vest and a beanie that had started to slip off, like something under it was trying to poke out. "You know what I think?" You said as you walked past him, grabbing his shoulder as you did, lowering your voice into a whisper. "I think you need to start picking up some weights, Flatty-Patty." You said as you patted his shoulder, walking away. He stood there for a moment, shocked. There was only one person who had ever called him that. And he was dead.


"Wait, really?!" Tubbo said, slamming his hands on the table startling everyone. He sounded upset. Then Ghostbur spoke up. "I did notice something off. I couldn't make it out well, but it looked like there was something behind them. Floating almost. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, but-" His rambling was cut off by Tubbo. "What did it look like?" he demanded. "The only thing I could see well was something coming out of its head. Like horns or something." Everyone looked at each other, shock and horror over their faces. "You don't think...?" Tommy said, looking at Tubbo. Soon, they all were running out of the room to find you.

(For this upcoming part, you, Schlatt, Both)

You had been walking down the prime path, looking around as if to see any changes. You had heard multiple fast-paced footsteps behind you to see none other than the four boys who had been suspicious of you. For the past week, they had been trying to convince everyone that something was off, but nobody would listen. They all said it was just you adjusting to the new environment. 

You stopped suddenly when the beanie you were wearing was ripped off your head, the people behind you gasping. You had ram ears, and almost fully grown ram horns. Something was definitely wrong. When you turned around, Tubbo looked at you with fear in his eyes. One of your eyes had turned an amber-yellow color next to your normal (e/c) one. You looked afraid when you looked at them, then shouted. "You all need to run, No-!" You started, but were cut off when your (e/c) eye became a dull amber color, your face falling into one with no emotion, then spoke. But it didn't sound like you. It sounded like him. "Well, well, well, ain't this funny?" Schlatt spoke. A white silhouette of him appearing behind you. "Took you all long enough to figure it out," He said, making you walk forward like a mindless zombie, him following behind. "You really thought you got rid of me, huh? It's gonna take a lot more than a heart attack to knock me out.

"What did you do to them?!" Tubbo shouted, a few people around stopping to see what was happening. "I offered them something nobody could resist. Power. I promised them a seat and power, and after, might I say a lot of hesitation and convincing, they agreed. Guess they didn't read the fine print." He said with a chuckle starting to make you walk past them. "Oh, and by the way?" He spoke, making you put your hand on Tubbo's shoulder, red strings connecting the parts of your hand to his, controlling it like a puppeteer, "You better watch your back." The voice that spoke sounded like both of your voices overlapping. Schlatt's having more malice, yours having more concern and fear, the sentence ending with a cackle as you walked away.

This was not going to end well.

Words: 1606

(DISCONTINUED) DreamSMP x reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now