Chapter 9

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My head is spinning. Tobias didn't say that if I moved in with Peter he would break up with me, but I'm assuming based on his reaction that's what would happen. I don't want-No, I can't lose him, but I also can't let him worry about my nightmares and lose sleep because of me. Trying to look from his point of view, I can see why he's upset about me moving in with Peter. I just wish he knew my intentions were solely to protect him from me.

I'm wandering Michigan Avenue, which isn't very crowded, with no destination. It just always feels good to move when I'm upset. The crisp air and autumn leaves are calming. I am finally starting to feel a little better when I see my brother walking towards me. Suddenly, without thinking about it, my fists clench together.

"Hello Beatrice," Caleb says as he approaches me. "So, I heard you ditched Tobias for Peter now, huh? Never saw that one coming."

"Who told you that?" I hiss.

"Peter told me." He lifts his head high in his usual haughty manner. "Oh, you didn't know that we are friends?"

I shake my head.

"Well, believe it or not, I'm glad you're moving in with Peter. You two are cute together."

I can't stand this. All my anger I've kept inside rises up and before I know it, I have Caleb pinned on the ground. My fist pulls back and I punch him hard on the nose, making sure to break it. I'm just about to hit him in the eye when someone pulls me off and holds me back. I claw at the hands withholding me. The strong clasp frightens me because it feels so surreal, yet I don't know why I'm so panicky. Then I remember. I felt the same grasp in one of my nightmares. I swing my leg back to make contact with the person holding me, who immediately releases me in pain. I whip around and knee him in the stomach, which makes him fall to the ground. Fighting reminds me of the time long ago, when I was in Dauntless and then fought in the battles.

I grab the guy's hair and lift his head up to see who it is. Peter.

"God..." Peter manages to say, trying to regain his breath. "You're strong."

I take a step back when I realize what I've done. I turn around to look at Caleb, who is holding his nose and wailing. Why did I do this? I hadn't punched anything or anyone since I've been out of my coma...and I didn't think I ever would.

"I...I'm so sorry." I offer a hand to Caleb, who takes it and lets me help him up. My body is still rushing with adrenaline and I can feel my heartbeat pounding in my head. "Let's get you to a hospital."

"Yeah, you go do that and I'll go get you a punching bag." Peter jokes.

The drumming in my head is starting to get louder and louder. I try to focus on Peter, who is sitting on the pavement a few feet in front of me, but can't. Scanning the streets, my eyes land on Caleb, who is now just a colored blur. The cars whizzing by make my head swirl. I know that I was angry about something but now I can't remember what it was. What was I doing?

Think. Where are you? I say to myself. I force myself to try and focus. I slowly turn my head to the figure in front of me. I know that I want to sit down, but can't move my body. I'm

looking at the blob when everything goes black.


I open my eyes to see people hovered over me.

"Okay, why the hell did this happen?" One of the bodies says, a male's voice.

"I don't know. She wasn't coming to her appointments but I figured it would be fine because she was doing so great with her recovery." Another points out, this time a female.

"You figured?" A different man's voice furiously repeats. "You were supposed to be watching and making sure she is okay."

"For all we know, she is okay. Perhaps she just was overheated or dehydrated." The same girl I heard before reassures.

"It wasn't even hot out! If it was dehydration she wouldn't have been out for three hours." The angry man speaks again. His voice is low and deep; his eyes are such a deep blue that I could get lost in them. Even in his frantic rage, he is handsome. I observe as he clenches his jaw and the veins pop out of his neck.

"If you all would shut up and look, you might notice that Tris is awake now. So why don't we ask her how she's feeling." A sturdy and tall brunette says. He stands on my right, while the handsome man stands on my left. Everyone else is at the foot of my bed now. "How are you, Tris?"

It takes me a minute before I realize he is talking to me. I forgot that my name is Tris, which is weird. Why am I lying down in an empty room filled with only computers, two clear refrigerators, and one desk in front of me, though? The bed I am on is silver with only small, thinly-padded blue circles embedded into its metal frame for cushion. I am also a little worried about why all these strangers are surrounding me. I think I should be more afraid, but I'm tired and I don't think they will hurt me.

"I'm tired," is all I think to say. I flinch when the Handsome Man lightly strokes my cheek. My face grows warm when he gathers my hand in his. Why is he acting so friendly to me? I'm never this kind to strangers. I know that I should probably pull my hand away, but it's nice having something to hold.

"I'm sorry about this. I should have made you come to at least one of your checkups." The thin, blonde girl says with an ashamed look on her face.

"I'm glad you're okay, Beatrice." A new boy speaks. He has shaggy, dirty-blonde hair and an annoying arrogance about him. "But I do think you deserved this...considering what you did to me."

"Don't you dare say she deserved this! You were part of the reason why she passed out!" Handsome Man yells as he takes a threatening step towards Arrogant Boy.

"Guys, calm down. This is no one's fault." A different guy with a lean figure and black hair says. I can tell by the way he types rapidly on the computer that he is very intelligent. "Tris, what do you last remember before you blacked out?"

I open my mouth to answer, but stop when I realize that I can't think of anything. The last thing I remember was opening my eyes to see everyone where we are now. I slowly start to feel a little panicky. My name is Beatrice, but I changed it to Tris. That is the only thing I'm sure of. I sit up and frantically scan the room. There are wires dangling from computers, but only one is attached to me, which is monitoring my heart rate.

"Tris? Are you okay? What's wrong?" Handsome Man asks with concern in his eyes.

I've been avoiding asking questions because I didn't think I wanted to know the answers. Now I know that I have to figure out what's going on.

"Who...who are you?" I shyly inquire.

"What? Tris, it's me. It's Tobias." He looks at me expectantly, like his name should mean something.

It doesn't.

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