Chapter 6

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Tobias won’t get off work for another hour, so I decide to mill around the shops just outside, hoping to find some inspiration for my future and to cool off from my argument with Caleb. I’m still heated from the whole ordeal. What gives him to right to act all high-and-mighty? Tobias is older than him; he should show him a little more trust and respect. But then again, maybe it’s the fact that Tobias is two years older than me that infuriates him. After all, when I first kissed Tobias, I seemed hesitant because of the age difference. I don’t think that’s what really worried me though. It was my first relationship and I was just scared. If Caleb actually tried to get to know Tobias, instead of constantly bashing him, he would see that he is good for me. Caleb is just too blind and ignorant to see that.

I’m storming down the side walk, distracted by my anger, when someone harshly bumps into my right shoulder, which knocks me to the ground.

“Hey, watch it!” I say as I dart my eyes upward to see who rudely hit me. It’s then that I see who it is. “Peter.”

“Hello, I’m sorry about that.” He offers me his hand. I don’t take it. “Have we met?”

“Is this some kind of joke?” I scoff, pulling myself back onto my feet.

“Not that I know of…I’m Peter, which you must already know because you said my name. I’m embarrassed to say that I don’t know yours, though.” His facial features and body movements are just like the Peter I once knew, but his kind words and welcoming eyes are unfamiliar to me.

“It’s me, Tris.”

“It’s really nice to meet you Tris, even if you did bump into me pretty hard.” There’s a hint of the jerk I know.

“Excuse me? You ran into me!” I defensively raise my voice, a habit I acquired a long time ago whenever I would talk to him.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. No need to get upset.” Peter casually says. “Let me make it up to you since you are convinced it was my fault. Had lunch yet?”

“Well, no but—”

“Then let me buy you some food at this rad cafe down the street.”

I check my watch. I have about forty-five minutes until Tobias will be able to meet up. I’m still confused as to why Peter is being so friendly, but it’s a nice change.

“Sure, I guess that would be okay. I don’t have a lot of time though.” I hesitantly agree, ready for his repulsive personality to show up at any minute.

We walk into a new place called Factions and take a seat at a booth next to a window. It doesn’t take long to realize the theme of this café. I smile as I observe the room, soaking it all in. Each wall is colored differently with blue, black and orange, yellow and red, and gray. The leather seats and counter tops are black and white. This whole restaurant represents all of the factions that we once were so accustomed to.

“Hello! I’m Delcie and I’ll be your server today.” A tall, thin girl with auburn red hair and dark green eyes enthusiastically greets. She has a round, circular face that makes her appear young. Even so, she looks about my age, so I know she must’ve been around during the war. Delcie is an Amity name. I wonder how she handles being off of the drugged bread.

“Can I start you off with any drinks? I recommend the Erudite soda as a popular favorite.”

“Just water is fine, thanks.” I remember when I tried the “special” Erudite drink. It wasn’t too great.

“I’ll take one soda, please.” Peter decides.

We open our menus as the waitress walks away to get our drinks. All of the food is organized by faction. I know what I want before I even read the menu.

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