GWEN'S POV Chapter 17

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GWEN'S POV Chapter 17
BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. 'Ugh.' I wake up to the sound of my annoying alarm clock. I turn over and notice that Peter is no longer here. •sigh• 'well, I better get up. It's Saturday. That means I can do whatever I want! Whoo Hoo!' I think to myself. I take a shower and get dressed, heading downstairs for breakfast. "So, how's it going mom?" I ask her while pouring myself a glass of orange juice. "Good! How'd you sleep sweetie?" "Good. You?" "Fine. What do you have planned today?" "Oh, I don't know. Maybe I'll meet up with Peter. I don't know." "Sounds good dear. I've got to go get groceries, I'll see you later okay?" "Okay mom." I say as she grabs her keys and leaves the apartment. RING RING RING "hello?" I answer my phone. "Hey Gwen. Are you free today?" Says Peter. "Yeah! What do you have in mind?" "Oh I don't know, maybe we'll go out for lunch and a walk in Central Park? Sound good?" He asks. "Sounds good to me! See you soon bugboy!" "Okay, bye Gwen. I love you." "I love you too, bugboy." I say before hanging up. For the remaining three hours before meeting Peter, I check my Facebook and Instagram, and then I read some books. •knock knock• I glance over to my window and see my handsome nerd. I immediately smile wide and walk to the window to let him in. "Hey Gwen." "Hey." I softly answer, hugging him. He hugs me in return, planting a light kiss on my forehead. Are you ready to go?" "Yes!" "Okay." I grab onto Peter and he swings us into an alley beside a pizza joint. We go in and sit down. "What would you like?" The waiter asks me. "I'll have a side salad with a Sprite to drink, please." I answer him. "And you, sir?" "I'll have some mozzarella sticks with a Root Beer to drink. And we'"" split a 16 inch pepperoni." "Alright." "Thank you" me and Peter say, simultaneously. "So. How's Oscorp? Anything different or odd lately?" Peter asks me. "Nope. Not that I know of. I think that the glider though was a prototype of this battle armor that they're testing at Oscorp. Why someone would attack me with it, that's beside me. Anyway, how are you? How's May?" I ask him. "She's great. She's working double shifts at the hospital, and I feel bad for that. I've been taking as many photos as possible for Jameson. He's a horrible boss, but I love the photography." He says as the waiter serves our food. WHEEEOOOO WHEEEOOOO WHEEEOOOO sirens begin to blare from somewhere nearby. I glance at Peter, who's sitting up stiffly in the booth. "Peter, go. I wont hold you here." I say, regretting that I said that. I wanted him here, I wanted his undivided attention. But, I knew that the people come first. "No. I'm staying with you today. Today is all about you. You have my attention." He says, ignoring the sirens and turning towards me, his lips forming into a smirk, knowing that that was what I wanted. "Really?! Are you SURE Peter?" "Positive. Today's your day. Nothing will pull me away." "Peter!" I sigh, leaning forward and pecking his lips faster than he could react. He grinned, and we dug into our food. When we were done, Peter paid and we left the resteraunt holding hands. We walked to Central Park and just talked. We talked about our lives, we talked about our family, and we talked about us. "Gwen." "Yes, Peter?" "Why do you love me?" He says, stopping and turning towards me. I'm astonished. "I love you because you're kind, considerate, caring, handsome, amazing, but most of all, you're just you. You're Peter Parker." I say, answering his question. "I'm so lucky to have you." "Yes, you definitely are." I sarcastically agree. He laughs and soon were both in laughing fits. We lay on the grass next to each other for a while, looking at the darkening sky and cuddling close to each other. "Let's go back to my house." "Okay." We swing back to my house where we chill in my room. "Gwen! What are you doing?" My mom calls up to me from the bottom of the stairs. "Nothing! I'm getting ready for bed! Goodnight I love you!" I yell back at her. "I'll go pretend to leave. Or maybe I should just go altogether." Peter says. "No!" I almost shout. Peter looks at me quizzically. "I mean...please stay. I need you. My day is not over yet." "Oh, fine." Peter chuckles remembering his promise to me he made earlier. He goes downstairs to "leave" and says goodnight to my mom. At this time, I change into my pajamas and hop into bed. My door slowly opens to reveal Peter. He's changed into plaid pajama bottoms and a brown t-shirt. He's over so much, he has spare clothes here. (Not that my mother knows that) •cough cough• He slides into bed with me and we look at the ceiling. "Thank you for today Peter. It was beautiful. And thank you for your undivided attention. There were people to say and you denied them for me. Thank you." I say, turning to look at him. He continues to stare at the ceiling when after a few seconds he turns towards me. He slowly begins to smile, his eyes and nose crinkling slightly. It's cute. "You're welcome. You deserved that. You deserve it more often. I'll try to be there for you more often. I know I was doing a horrible job and I'm sorry for that. I'm here now." He explains, clearly wound up about it. "You're okay bugboy." I say, wrapping my arms around his torso. He wraps his arms around me I return and I rest my head on his muscular chest. I feel the safest like this, with my head on Peter's chest and my body comfortably wrapped in his arms. There's nowhere else is rather be.

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