PETER'S POV Chapter 20

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I wake up to see Gwen staring at me. I had woken up earlier to take a shower, but decided to stay and be here when she wakes up. Looking at her now and seeing the happiness in her eyes, I'm glad I did. "Morning bug boy." Gwen cheerfully tells me. "Morning to you too beautiful." She giggles and pulls me closer. I hiss softly, pain flaring in my chest. "Oh, right. You're injury. Here, let me take a look." She says and she has me sit up. Then she makes me take off my shirt so that she can unwrap her bandage. I shiver, it's cold without my shirt. She takes the wrap off and I can see a scab over the wound. I heal fast, it's just sore still. "Well, you look fine to me. You heal fast. Just a little sore, huh?" "Yeah." "Oh well." She says and I put my shirt back on. We lay back in bed, neither having plans for the day. She pulls me closer, as gently as possible, and I respond by putting my arms around her and nuzzling my head in her neck. I breathe in her familiar scent and let out a long sigh. "What?" She asks me. "Nothing. Just enjoying is." I reply squeezing her in response. She shifts so that I'm forced to remove my head from her neck and look at her. She looks me in the eye, but then shifts her gaze down to my mouth and bites her lip. I take the hint and slowly tilt my head, leaning forward. She inches forward too, and I brush my lips against hers. We stay like that, softly kissing before we kiss harder. She runs her hands through my hair and I wrap my arms around her waist. We break apart and sigh, our love radiating off each other. "So, plans for today?" She asks. "Nope." "No crime fighting?" She asks, not being able to hide the hope in her voice. "Well...." I tease, watching her face fall. "I'm kidding. I'm with you all day doing whatever it is you want to do." She smiles mile wife at this and hugs me super tight. "Love you too." I manage to squeak out through my half broken ribs. "Since I'll be with you ALL day... Would you like to go ice skating?" I ask her. "Omg, yes! We don't know how, but it'll be fun to learn!" "Yeah." "Come on let's get ready!" She says and we both go downstairs for breakfast. We eat waffles and coffee before heading downtown to the ice rink.

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