Peters POV Chapter 6

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PETER'S POV Chapter 6
Okay, I read Dr. Connors book about cross species genetics. I wasn't planning on being noticed, but I knew the answer and said it anyway. Gwen works at Oscorp?! That I did t know, and I'm lucky she didn't say anything about me sneaking in. I leave the tour group (I know I'll get in trouble later by gwen but I don't care) and head to the 00 room. When enter I notice weird machines making who knows what. I come to a chamber out with blue light and a machine spinning in circles inside it. I open the door and walk in. I pluck a neon blue string attached to the device and all of a sudden the device stops spinning and makes a noise. Spiders are falling from the machine. They are neon blue and are covering me. I panic and try to flick them all off. When I do, I shakily leave the room and walk back to the main floor. Gwen is there to greet me. Dang I'm in trouble. "Give me the badge." She says. "Sorry" I say. All of a sudden i feel a sting in the back of my neck. It hurt!!

I come home to find Ben and May still up. "I'm sorry I kept you guys up. I'm late, I'm irresponsible. I'm hungry." I walk to the fridge and grab a bunch of food and head upstairs to my room. The day has not been going well. Today's Wednesday. Tomorrow is dinner with Gwen. I still haven't decided if I will go or not. My skateboard is broken. A guy in the subway broke it. My hands stuck to things and my reflexes were amazing. I don't know what is happening to me. Oh well, I think and go to sleep.

BEEP. BEEP. BEEP my alarm goes off. I turn over in bed and smash it. I get up to brush my teeth and the toothpaste squirts all over the mirror. Oh my god what is happening? I think sleepily. I reach for the doorknob to leave the bathroom when it comes out in my hand. I gingerly reach for the other doorknob and leave the bathroom. I'm sitting in my room feeling very weird and really freaked out.

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