Gwens POV Chapter 15

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GWEN'S POV Chapter 15
I walk slowly, dressed in black, with my black umbrella raised over my head as I walk with the crowd after my fathers funeral. I blow my nose, I'm still softly crying, my dad just died. I searched everywhere for Peter, but no show. What was up with him, my father died and my boyfriend doesn't show up?! I really need peter right now, I need him I can't do this by myself. Suddenly, I feel a pair of eyes on me. I turn and glance up in the rain at the cathedral, where I see a head hide behind the tower at the top. Looks like brown, messy hair. Peter. What is he doing up there? I pull out my phone and text him. *I see you Peter. What are you doing up there?* *Oh. I suppose I have to explain myself now, don't I?* *You sure do.* *Do you have a moment?* *yes* the next thing I know, I'm picked up and swung away to the same clock tower me and Peter have been to before. Our blankets and pillows are still there, we pull them out of our stash and sit. "Peter, my father died. Why weren't you there, and not hiding?" "Gwen.... I..." He says, looking very sad and tortured. His brown eyes are dark, not the bright warm eyes i know. "He made you promise, didn't he? That'd you'd stay away. To keep me safe?" I ask. It's the only thing that makes sense, my father would definitely do that. "Ye..s" he chokes out, starting to cry. How could my father do this? Peter doesn't deserve this weight on his shoulders, and neither do I. "Peter, my father has no choice in these things, he doesn't get to decide who I love and why." "It's my fault. It's my fault he died. I should've been there." "Peter, you were. If you hadn't put the cure in the device, we'd all be lizards. You can't save everyone, you can only try. And you did. I don't blame you, and he doesn't either. He knew what he was doing and what he was risking." I say. Peter is still crying softly, looking so broken. I can't stand it anymore. "You're right Gwen. I can't save everyone. That's why he doesn't want us together, what if you're one of the ones I can't save? I wouldn't be able to live with myself." "Peter." "Yes?" "Do you love me?" "Yes, always." "Then isn't that enough? I don't care about safety. I can take care of myself. Don't worry about me. But I love you. Isn't that enough?" "Yes. Yes Gwen, it's more than enough. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Your father just died, and I'm moping. You're the one who needs comfort. I'm sorry." He says, turning to me. He looks better, as if a dark shadow had been released from him. "I do. I feel so alone, he was there for me for everything." I say, feeling the tears well up in my eyes. Peter leans over, picks me up, and scoots me closer so that he can hold me. It feels good, to be held in his strong arms. "Hey. It's gonna be okay. I'm never going to leave you. I'm all yours, I'm all yours." He whispers in my ear while squeezing me gently. "I know. You never would. I'm yours too. Always and forever. I love you Peter." I say, shifting towards him and kissing him. He kisses me back. "Gwen?" "Yeah?" "You're in a bad position." He says. I glance at my position, confused. I'm on his lap, and his arms are wrapped around me. My head is resting on his chest. "Whats wrong with my position? Is big strong bugboy saying I'm too heavy?" I tease. "No, I can just tickle you really easily." "Oh no u don't!" I say trying to escape. But, quick as lightning, his hands grab me and pull me back towards him. He starts to tickle me and I howl with laughter. It feels so good, to be laughing again and to be with Peter. I kick him in the back of the knees and he falls on the pillows and blankets. I dive on him and start to tickle him. He begins to laugh and we just wrestle and tickle for a while. He blocks my attempts with a pillow. I grab a pillow and slam him in the face. "What was that for?" He says, grinning and laughing. There's those bright warm eyes I need so bad. "Fun, of course!" He grabs a pillow and chases me around. He gets a few whacks on me, but I nailed him hard many times. Eventually he falls back on the blankets and pillows and gives up. I lay beside him, both of us looking up at the stars. "Gwen" "yes?" "Count the stars" "why, I can't count that high!" "that's how much I love you. Beyond the stars." He says. I prop myself on my elbow and gaze into his face, his eyes are closed and his face is angelic. He is beautiful, peaceful, and dangerous. I close the few inches between us and kiss him. He is slightly startled, having his eyes closed. He kisses me back though and wraps his arms around me once more. I run my fingers through his messy, soft hair. I pull back. "I need to go home, my mom is probably wondering where I am." "Okay. Do u want me to stay a while and visit? She might like that, you know, with George being gone." "Yeah. Yeah, that would be great. She loves you, you know. And she understands how much you mean to me, so she wouldn't mind." "Okay." He grabs me and we swing back to my apartment.

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