Gwens POV Chapter 11

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GWEN'S POV Chapter 11
OH..MY...GOD. I'm freaking out. First I'm having an amazing yet frustrating conversation with Peter on the balcony and then I'm snatched away by some dude on a glider. Can my day get any weirder? Okay, I admit I was scared shitless. I tried to scream, but my voice was held back by a hand. Peter was on the balcony looked surprised and angry. All if a sudden, he walks back about 20 feet and starts sprinting towards the edge of the balcony. "What is he doing?!" I think frantically. When he reaches the edge, he leaps impossibly far and shoots a string from his wrist. Wait...a string? No, more like...A WEB! What the heck?! He's Spiderman?! I'm in trouble, I think. He disappears, weaving between buildings when I feel a weight on the glider. He has attached himself to the bottom of the glider. The next thing I knew, I was falling 5 stories down. I start to scream, I honestly think I'm going to die. Peter swings and catches me, taking me to a clock tower. When we get there, I'm so worried about him the first thing I do is ask if he's alright. He is. Then, he does something that surprises me. He kisses me and looks at me with those big brown doe eyes and he tells me that he loves me. I'm literally the happiest human being on earth, besides almost being killed.

I wake up to a knock on my window. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and look to see what it is. It's Peter. I jump up and open the window. "What the heck are you doing here? It's.." I turn around and look at my clock. "It's 8:30!" "Sorry." He says shyly, as if embarrassed and glances at the floor. I think its adorable. What a dramatic change, from being a confident hero to a cute, shy, science nerd. "I figured we needed to discuss and find out who the glider guy was. I already found some information." "At 8:30 in the morning? Really Peter?" "Yeah. I've been up since 7:00. That's why I have information in the first place, smarty-pants." "Fine. I'd rather not do it here though. My parents will bother us and they'll find out." "Then let's get outta here." "I can't. If my parents see me leaving I'm dead." "Your parents aren't going to see you leave." Peter grabs me by the waist and I wrap my arms around his neck and hold on. He swings us up to the same clock tower. A blanket is set out and there's a little picnic basket and pillows. "Peter what is this?" "Study group?" "Really?" I say sarcastically. I give him a look, one eyebrow raised. "Really." He says in a serious tone. But I can see it in his eyes that he's trying to hold back laughter. "Uh huh. Sure, bugboy." At the nickname I just made up, he cracks. His face splits into a cheeky grin, his face lighting up with happiness. He's so handsome when he smiles. It makes me want to make him smile all the time. We sit down in the blanket cross legged. "So, what have you figured out already?" "The glider equipment comes from Oscorp." He says, pulling out some gears and wires from his pocket. The gears have the label OSCORP engraved into the side. "So, why the technology? What are the uses?" He asks me. "I've never seen anything like it before when I'm working. They do have a special projects room, maybe it has something to do with that?" "Yeah, maybe it does. Do you think you can find out somehow?" "Yeah, I'll see what I can do." "Alright. That takes a lot of weight off my shoulders. I was worried." "Well, what to do now?" "Eat. I brought breakfast up here." "Oh great, I'm starving and I'm still in my pajamas!" I say glancing down at my grey sweatpants and light blue sweater. "That's okay, I couldn't sleep last night so I've been up awhile. Anyway, I brought toast, crescents, doughnuts, and coffee. Help yourself." He says taking a doughnut for himself. I grab coffee and some toast. "Hey bugboy." "Yeah?" "Your gonna be fat." I tell him as he reaches for his second doughnut. "Am not!" He says, hesitating before taking a second doughnut and taking a bite. "Are too! Look at that stomach!" I tease, poking his stomach. It was anything but fat, all hard muscle. "Aw, Gwen don't jiggled belly!" He says laughing. "What, you ticklish?" "No! No no no!! I'm not ticklish!" He says looking pretty scared. "Your sure?" I say, knowing the answer. "How about I test that theory?" "NO!" He says screaming. He tries to get up and run away but I tackle him and start to tickle his stomach. He's howling with laughter and looks like he's going to cry. This is so much fun, torturing my boyfriend. "I'm gonna get you!" He turns and pins my arms so easily, he must have let me tickle him, he was just too strong. He starts to tickle me, and I giggle so hard I'm crying. Then he picks me up and spins me around, laughing. I laugh too, we're having so much fun. "I love you." He says as we stop spinning. He doesn't let go of me though. "I love you too Peter." I say, grinning. Then I stand on tiptoes and kiss him. He kisses me back and we stay that way for a while, holding each other tight as if nothing else matters in the world, and at that moment, nothing else does.

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