Peters POV Chapter 10

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PETER'S POV Chapter 10
I lean over the balcony thinking about how to tell Gwen who I am. Recently, since the spider bite at Oscorp, i felt different. My muscles have grown, I'm stronger than the average human, my reflexes are lightning fast, and my speed and flexibility are similarly increased. I'm afraid to tell Gwen that I am the masked vigilante. I'm not assaulting civilians, my uncle died. He was my everything. What if she believes the police reports? Will she shy away and never talk to me again? Probably. I sigh and continue to look over the edge. "I've got to tell you something." I say to Gwen." "Oh?" She says, kinda excited looking. "I..." I start to speak when out of nowhere, a figure on a glider comes streaking out of the darkness and steals Gwen from the balcony. She's about to scream but is cut off by a hand. I'm about to shout but I don't want to attract attention. The glider is moving fast away from me. I swing from the buildings trying to catch up. The glider swerves between the buildings holding a terrified Gwen. Then, it starts to head toward Oscorp. I shoot webs at the glider but nothing is slowing it down. I take a side route onto a nearby building and get ahead of the glider. I hide behind a building and jump to the underside of the glider and hang on. There is a mass of wires and gears rotating, and I shoot webs at the gears and rip out the wires. The glider stutters and stops, leaving three people who can't fly to fall 5 stories to the ground. The assassin has let go of Gwen in the fall, and I swing and catch her. She's terrified and screaming, but once I catch her she calms down. I land on the nearest building which happens to be a clock tower. "Peter! Thank god you saved my life! Are you alright?" She asks me between gasps. "Yes I'm fine. How about you? Are you okay?" "Yes, minor bruises in the morning I'll bet. Your....your....." "I'm what, exactly?" I say, curious to what she has to say. "I....I don't know, you're...." "Shut up." I say as I web her waist and pull her close. I look deep into her eyes and I lean even closer. She closes her eyes, and I do too. Suddenly our lips touch, softly brushing against each other. "I should get you home before your parents worry." "Yeah, I suppose." She sighs. "Don't worry. And tomorrow we better figure out who that person was and what the heck they wanted." "Yeah. Trust me, we will." I swing her back to her apartment where her parents have not noticed her absence. I wish them goodnight and leave. About five minutes later, I knock on her bedroom window. "Peter? What are you doing?" "I wanted to say a special goodnight to my girl." "Oh alright, what is it?" "Goodnight Gwen, I love you. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" "Okay, and goodnight I love you too." "Gwen?" "yeah?" No nightmares tonight, okay? And I can promise you one thing." "What?" "I'll always be there to protect you. No matter what."

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