Peters POV Chapter 14

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PETER'S POV Chapter 14
"Gwen! Gwen?" I practically yell into the telephone. She hung up on me. Oh god, oh god, she's still in there, he's gonna be there, I've got to hurry! I swing from building to building trying to make my way to the Oscorp tower ASAP. Lots of helicopters are in the sky but I don't think about it. Suddenly I feel a shocking pain in my chest and I fall. I land hard, electricity frying all my muscles, bones, and organs. (See what I did there? ;) ) I just lay on the pavement waiting for the pain to go away. I hear muffled voices when I'm picked up and put in a sitting position. My mask is pulled off and I look up into the eyes of George Stacy. "Parker?" "You gotta let met go. Connors is on his way to the tower and your daughter is there right now." I pick up my mask slowly and swing away. "Hold your fire!" Captain Stacy tells his men, but one was slow to follow commands and I get a bullet graze to the leg. It stings, and I can't walk well on it. I try to jump to the next building but fall and slam into windows and brick. A spotlight shows me a path to cranes overhanging the streets. I web my injury and sprint to the edge of the building. I leap and fly through the air impossibly far. At the last moment I shoot my web, but fall short. I'm falling and grab a crane as it's coming up. I swing from crane to crane until I reach the tower. I then launch myself to the top, where the lizard is already making his way with the Ganali device. I swing around and kick him firmly in the chest. We fall off and he swipes at me. Eventually he gets his tail around my neck, cutting off my circulation and choking me. "Poor Peter Parker. No mother. No father. No uncle. All alone." "He's not alone." Says George Stacy, reloading his gun. He starts to shoot the lizard and pops the liquid nitrogen nozzle. I kick the lizard into the pit and he starts to freeze as George shoots him, being unable to regroup limbs. "Here, gift from Gwen." He says handing me the blue serum. I hesitate. "Go. I've got this Peter." At that I turn and race to the top of the tower. I take out the green serum and replace it with the blue as I'm almost ripped from the platform by Connors. When the timer runs out, the serum is shot into the air. I watch as a blue cloud spreads across the city. Connors begins to return to human form, and the platform collapses entirely. I jump, my webs having been broken by Connors. I land on the side if the building, about to be thrown off when someone grabs me. I look up to see Connors almost fully human. He pulls me up. "The Captain..." I race to where I left him, and find him lying on the ground, severely injured. "Hold on, well get help. Just hang on." I say, knowing this is bad. "They're not gonna make it Peter." "No, we can make this." "Peter. This city needs you. You're gonna make enemies. People will get hurt. Sometimes the people closest to you. So I want you to promise me one thing. Leave. Gwen. Out of it." I hesitate. I can't do that, I love her. She's my everything, my inspiration. "You promise?" He says, looking at me with those eyes, god those eyes. What am I going to say to a dying man, whose my girlfriends dad, to ensure him her safety before he dies? It's his dying wish. I nod briefly, sad that he's not gonna make it and that my life with Gwen is over.

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