Gwens POV Chapter 7

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GWEN'S POV Chapter 7
"Really peter?!" I think to myself. Of course he had to wander off around Oscorp, of course he had to ignore my directions, I think sarcastically. And so, I took the badge. After that, he left and I kept working. I get home late, it's about 8:00 and I go to bed. It's been a long day.

I wake up and realize... ITS THURSDAY! I rush downstairs and eat my breakfast (scrambled egg, bacon, and cheese sandwich on a bagel) and start up a conversation with mom. "Thanks for breakfast mom it's amazing!" "Why your welcome! Just wait for dinner! We're having Branzino!" "Oh my god, mom!" "What, since when have you not like Branzino?" "I...uh...might have invited someone over for dinner tonight..." I reply. I totally forgot! "Oh! Is it stefanie? You two have been out doing girl stuff a lot lately, I'm glad you too are friends." "Uh, no mom stefanie isn't coming over." "Then who is it dear?" "Um, it's a boy. His name is Peter Parker." "Oooh I know him!" "You do?!" "Yes! I get my hair done with his aunt May, she's very fond of him you know." "So you don't mind him coming over?" "No of course not! I was thinking about it actually the other day! Is he a crush? I've never actually seen him, just heard of him." "Uh, no mom, not a crush, just a new friend I guess." "Oh. That's nice dear. He does sound nice. You better get going you'll be late for school!" "Okay love you mom!" I say as I hurry out the door. Of course, I was lying. Peter was simply irresistible. I don't know why I hadn't noticed him before, but he's the sweetest guy at Midtown! I can't wait for tonight I hope he comes! I walk in to school to start the day.

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