Prologue: How it all began... ♢

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"Oh my God, Elza. Did you hear there is a new girl coming to this school?" My best friend Demi says exited. I shake my head. Demi likes to gossip about things, and this is a good opportunity for her.

"Her name is Taylor. She will be introduced in our first lesson." She says with a big smile.

I roll my eyes. "It's still morning, Demi. Can you please give me some time to wake up? Enthusiastic bunny." I sigh, but I can't help but smile a little. Gosh, I love my best friend. She's always there for me.

A nice laugh escapes her red lips.

"I am sorry. You know how exited I can get. Oh, did you see my nail art for this week?" She says even more exited than before.

"No, show me?" I ask her while laughing. Of course I am curious about her nail art. Demi is an advanced nail artist.

Her nails appear in sight and I grasp for breath. "Wow, Demi. They are beautiful!" I scream. Some of the people on the playground look at us, but I don't care. My best friend has a grin from ear to ear. Her nails where covered in scenes from brother bear. One of my all-time favorite Disney movies.

"Thank you, Elza!"


Demi and I are sitting in the classroom and wait for the new girl to appear.

"What will she look like?" Demi asks me curiously.

"Wait, I'll take my crystal ball, maybe it can tell me everything you want to know about that girl." I say sarcastically. Demi gives me a fake angry look before we both start laughing like crazy people.

"Ladies, please. What will Taylor think about you. You act like pigs." Our teacher, Ms Torrance shouts at us.

We look at her with big eyes. Did she really just call us pigs? "Sorry Ms Torrance." I say quickly. Before she can accept my apologies a beautiful girl walks into the room.

"I don't mind, Madam. Laughing is very healthy." The girl says to Ms Torrance. The teacher becomes red in the face. "Hi, class. I am Taylor Greene. I moved here just this weekend." This girls is so confident. How can she just walk into a room without being shy? And how can she be so gorgeous for crying out loud! My eyes scan the classroom and I can see all the boys practically drooling over their desk.


"Hello, Ms Greene. You can sit beside Elza. Can you raise your hand, Elza?" Ms Torance asks me with a polite smile. Immediately my face turns into a tomato. I hate attention and right now, I have a lot more eyes on me than I ever bargained for. Luckily Taylor spots the empty seat beside me and I don't have to raise my hand.

"You must be Elza?" She asks me with a dazzling smile. I nod my head. If I would speak now, I would stutter like a moron. Demi gives me a worried look but I smile to let her know that I am OK. My mother has once told me a good tip to calm ones nerves. First you have to inhale deeply... Oh crap! Taylor's' perfume smells so fucking delicious.

"Everything alright? You look like you've seen a ghost." Taylor whispers.

"Yes, don't you worry." I answer before I take my favorite mascara from my pencil case. It was an Giorgio Armani eyes to kill mascara of $32. My twin sister Arielle bought it for me last week. Now she is back in France She is going to an art school in Paris. My sister is the best actress I have ever seen, and I don't just say it because she is my sister. A teacher in Paris offered her a place in there. It's the best art school on this shittey planet.

My train of thought is interrupted roughly by Taylor who snatches my mascara out off my hands.

"What the fuck?" I scream aghast.

"Miss Frost! Go to the director's office immediately!" My teacher spats angrily.


"I don't want to hear your excuses! This is the second time you disturb my lesson. OUT!" She really overreacts. Demi wants to open her mouth to protest but I shake my head violently. If she would start a fight, it would become a loud argument very quickly. She is too rude if she is angry.

Before I leave the class, I glance at Taylor. If eyes could kill, she would be dead and buried by now. She sits there, with a playful smile on her lips, MY mascara in her hand. As soon as she notices that I look at her, she gives me a wink.

What a bitch....

Quote: "I can kill you and make your death look like an accident."

― Reynalyn Arendain

AN: Hello everyone ^^
Hope you liked this beginning! (:

Chapters with a ♢ are updated.

Please vote if you liked it or comment when you want to tell me something good or bad. ♡

(All rights reserved.)

The bitch stole my mascara (Lesbian Story)(gxg)(girlxgirl)(LGBT+)Where stories live. Discover now