Chapter 35

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(Taylor's pov)

"Hello. I am a friend of Elza's. I hope you are willing to talk to me," I ramble as soon as the door opens. The woman is surprised, it's written all over her face. "I know this must be weird since you don't know me at all, but I just really want to hear your story if you want to tell it."

The woman steps aside. "Come inside please."

"My name is Taylor btw," I say while I step inside and follow her to what looks like a kitchen. Boxes are all over the place. I assume she just moved in and hasn't unpacked all her stuff yet.

"My name is Catherine. Nice to meet you. Do you want some thea?" She asks wit a friendly smile on her face, pointing at one of the kitchen chairs. I sit down and nod my head.

"Thea sounds lovely, thank you." Catherine start rummaging in the boxes on the countertop and fishes a cup out one of them.

"I didn't really have the energy to unpack yet." The sad frown on the woman's face make me feel sad too. It looks like she really is a nice lady just trying to win the heart of her daughter back.

Hold on Taylor, you don't know that yet. Hold your horses and focus., I think to myself

"I am sure you already know why I am here," I say after a couple of minutes. Two steaming cups of thea in front of us and a plate with cookies between it.

"I think you are here to tell me to leave her alone." She says this with a sigh.

"Not really. I am here to hear your story. To hear why you left. But only if you want to." I look at her expectantly.

"Ow, the story. Well yeah. If you really want to know it. I mean, it would be nice if someone knew the truth. Someone who my daughter trusts... It all began a couple of years after she was born....."

Nope, this is not the end of today's updates. I will write another chapter when I get home and have my laptop. ^^
I am currently on the bus for over an hour and decided to already write something on my phone.

See you this evening <3
(In my country it's 1:37 pm for your information ^^)

Love you all :D

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