Chapter 10

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God I hate Monday mornings, especially on the days I have a fight with my best friend in the whole wide world.

'Andy, I don't want to go to school.' I text.

'We will figure it out, don't you worry.'

With a sigh I take a shower and go downstairs. Henry is sitting at the kitchen table with my brother. Dalì is crying and I can see a blue mark on his arm.

"What did you do to him?" I yell angrily while running to my brother's side. I look at the bruise and it's in the shape of fingers.

"He didn't want to eat, so I made him eat." Henry answers with a shrug.

"Don't you ever touch my brother again, do you hear me?" I'm so angry I shake. His hand slaps my cheek hard. With wide eyes and an open mouth I look at him. "Who do you think you are? Where is my mother."

"She is upstairs. It was a heavy night yesterday." Henry says with a malicious grin. "And you have to shut up bitch. Since I'm with your mother you have to show me some respect." He growls.

"You can kiss my ass. If you hurt him again there will be consequences." I shout. A fist collides with my yaw. Blood seeps in my mouth.

"I will have to hurt you then, for everything your brother does wrong. Maybe that'll work?" He asks my brother. "Will you eat now, bastard?" He wants to slap me again but I jump away in time.

"Stop, please." I plead for the sake of my little brother. Together with him I run to the hallway, take our shoes and other belongings and run out of the door. As soon as we are in the park we put our shoes and jackets on.

"I hate him." My brother whispers.

"I know, me too. Dalì, I promise it's going to get better. I won't let him hurt you again. When you wake up, you have to come to my room. Never be alone with him, will you do that?" I ask him seriously. He nods.

"What happened to you?" It's the first thing Andy ask when he sees me

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"What happened to you?" It's the first thing Andy ask when he sees me.

"Nothing, I fell and hit my head." I answer.

Andy looks at me with a face that says I-don't-believe-this-for-a-bit.

"Who did this? Your father?" He asks angrily.

"My father died." I answer looking at the floor.

"I'm sorry, Elza. I forgot. Is it the new boyfriend of your stepmother?" He asks. I just nod, what is the use of trying to hide it? "That son of a bitch! Did he hit your little brother too?" He asks, fire shooting out of his eyes.

"No, but he hurt him." I whisper, tears coming out of my eyes.

"What happend? Did you hurt her?" I hear Demi's voice, full of anger.

"It was the new boyfriend of her stepmother." Andy defends. Demi has never looked so angry in her life and al the emotions around me engulf me. It makes me hyperventilate. Andy grabs me just before I fall. Demi gives me a sachet and I start to breath in it.

"Calm down, it's going to be okay. You come and live with me." She rubs my back reassuringly. After a minute or three I can breath by myself again.

"First I need to get my stuff. Everything is still there you know." I say, breaking the silence.

"I'm coming with you." Andy says immediately. Demi looks at him opens her mouth and closes it again before opening it once again.

"Are you two an item now?" She asks carefully.

"No, I'm gay." Andy answers and I'm surprised that he is so open with this.

"Oh, okay. Me too." Demi answers. Then she looks at me with a curious expression.

"You could've told me right away you know? I would never hate you because you're gay." I say with a smile. "You will be my best friend no matter what."

"Yeah." She doesn't seem very happy, but maybe that's because all of my drama. Dalì's mother really is a selfish bitch. I need to get him away from there. It won't be so easy, he's still very young and she has full custody over him. If we just take him, it will be seen as kidnapping. Stupid laws. If I want to take care of him, I will have to go to court.

"Elza! What happened?" Now it's Taylor. She looks very concerned and I ask myself why she cares about me. She only torments me, she confuses me. Demi explains to her what happened and to my surprise she doesn't look annoyed.

"That jerk. How can he do such things?" Taylor is so angry. "I will pick up Dalì. My father is lawyer. You two are going to the police right now."

"Why do you care?" I don't know why I ask, I mean she is helping me.

"Because I care about you. Are you blind?" She asks, furious. With wide eyes I look at her.

"She is blind, Taylor. I've told you." Demi says with a grin.

Some time later I'm in the police station with Demi, Andy, Taylor and my little brother

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Some time later I'm in the police station with Demi, Andy, Taylor and my little brother. We are in a big waiting room and there will be someone here in a minute to listen to my complaint. Taylor's father will be here any second to help. I will never be able to thank Taylor enough for what she's doing for me. I'm thankful for Andy too, even though I just met him for real. And of course I'm very thankful for my best friend, who will never leave me for real.

Please vote if you liked it ^^ that makes me feel good.

Sorry you had to wait so long. It will happen again I'm afraid. I just don't have a lot of ideas all of the time. I also want to write another story and work a lot for school.

But I will finish this story, so if you are patient, you will read the end after some time.

Thanks for your understanding!

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