Chapter 39

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WARNING: this chapter is very dark, mention of violence. Read with caution. Read at own risk. There are no descriptions.

Hello Elza

I wanted to tell you this face to face, but your friend Taylor insists - I see she cares so much for you, so don't push her out because of this please - that I write it to you since there is no other option.

The beginning of me leaving you starts years back, when you were still very little, but you know that of course.

Your dad and I were very happy, and very much in love. I never stopped loving him in fact and I never left because I wanted to get away from him or you and your sister. I never would've left you three without a reason, you three were my perfect happily ever after and it teared me apart to leave. I hope you will believe me once you've heard the rest of this not so happy story. I want you to brace yourself because what I am about to tell you is very dark and I hope you will never have to go through something like that. 

It was a sunny day in late August. Your dad and I went to your uncle Terry. You never really knew him but we went to him a lot in the beginning. Just like this day. We went swimming in his pool and everything was so much fun, I never thought it would go wrong. We were a golden trio and  made so much fun all the time. But this particular day it started going wrong. I went inside to take a glass of water and Uncle Terry started touching me improperly. I just couldn't tell your dad, he would be devastated. 

After this time it happened more and more and I discovered he suffered a great drugs problem. It fucked up his brain and he acted more and more cruel towards me. This all because I didn't want to leave your dad for him. I refused to go to him anymore and your dad asked me what was wrong. I still couldn't tell him. It was his only family and he loved him so so so much. Months go by and I couldn't refuse to go anymore. Oh how I wish I would never have gone that day.

It was Terry's birthday and he had put something in your dad's drink, making him fall asleep very fast. I was alone with Terry, and he raped me on the couch, right next to your dad. I have never been so ashamed of something, I have never been so afraid either. 

A couple of months later I discovered I was pregnant, and it couldn't be your father's child since he was infertile after we got you two. He was content with you and did a castration because he didn't want any more children.

Can you understand how scared I was? I was scared he wasn't going to believe me, I was scared I was the one who did something to deserve this, I was scared that even if your dad would believe me I would have to do an abortion and that was something I just couldn't do. The child inside me wasn't to blame for what was done to me. 

So I ran, I ran as hard as I could, because I was a coward. Because I would rather die than tell this to your dad. So I deserve your madness, I deserve all your hate, but I just wanted to let you know it was never your fault I left, I was never sick of you, I have missed you all this time. 

The child is a boy. His name is Lucas and he thinks your dad is his dad too. I just couldn't tell him  the real story. That would ruin him. Please don't be mad for this fact. Please don't tell him. He would be a mess. I know it's unfair to ask of you since I left you when you were still little, but I beg of you.

Hope you can forgive me one day

Much Love 

Your Mother

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