Chapter 41

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My mom appears and behind her stands a tall boy. He is the spitting image of our mother. I stand up and walk towards him. He looks at me with a curious glint in his eyes.

"Hello, I am Elza." The words sound a bit lame but I can't find a better introduction than those simple words.

"And I am Lucas." A smile has crept around his lips and it makes me smile too. My brother looks so much like me It's comical. We look like to sides of the same coin if that's anything to go by. "We could be twins," my brother remarks as if reading my mind.

"Yeah we certainly could be." I never imagined this to be so easy. Meeting a brother you never saw before.

"And you must be Taylor?" My brother looks beside me, where Taylor is still sitting at the kitchen table, looking at us.

"Yes I am. It's nice to finally meet you." She smiles her typical smile and my heart beats a tiny bit faster. That's a like, it almost beats out of my chest.

"The pleasure is mine. Are you two a thing?" he asks curiously.

"Yes" we say at exact the same moment and we all laugh.

"You two look cute together." Then my brother puts his arms around me and at first I go completely stiff. I didn't see that one coming. "Sorry, I am just so glad to finally see the sister I heard so much about." He wants to let go but I put my arms around him and hug him back.

"No problem. I understand that it must be great to know you have siblings. Did mom also tell you we have a little half-brother?" I ask enthusiastically as soon as we let go of each other.

"Yeah she did! Only a couple of days a go. I can't wait to meet him too. And our sister Arielle too. I want to know everything about you guys." He looks so happy and carefree. I envy that a little, but on the other hand I am more than happy that at least one of us had an easier life.

"Can I maybe cook some dinner? Than we can all catch up a little," my mom asks with a content smile on her face. I look in Taylor's direction and she nods.

"Okay. I would like that a lot." And so we all end up at the tiny kitchen table. Exchanging awkward highschool moments, talking about amazing Dalì, talking about love. It's an amazing evening. When I leave I haven't quiet forgiven my mother, but I know in my heart I can and I will.

Thanks for reading!!! ^^ There will be one more bonus chapter and than this story will end. :(
Without all of you, I could've never have gotten this far so thank you so very much!!!!! ♡♡♡

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