Chapter 18

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Taylor: Will she really come back on Monday? 😟

Andy: Yeah, don't worry. I'll take care of this. She just needs some time to think, that's all. ☺

Taylor: Is she eating properly? And does she leave her bed? I am so worried about her. You can't even begin to understand.

Andy: She is doing okay. She will be herself in no time. How is Dalì holding up without his sister? Is he still our cute monkey? 🐒

Taylor: He is doing great. Although he misses his sister even more then me. Text me updates, our I'll spam your inbox so full that it crashes and you will have to delete all your messages one by one.

Andy: I will. Please don't let that happen! 😮

Taylor: Thank you Andy. This means a lot. I really love her.

Andy: That's no problem at all. And I know.

I hope you like chapters like this too. (: As soon as I have the time I will write a proper chapter without text messages. :p

Thanks a lot for reading!!! (:

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