Chapter 14

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When I go to school the next day I'm scared. Dalì has to go to school too and Henry isn't convicted yet. He still lives with my mother. The mother of Taylor has assured me that she will be their to pick him up before school is out. Taylor takes my hand and squeezes it reassuringly.

"It will be alright. You'll see." She says with a little smile on her face. My heart skips a beat. We didn't have the chance to talk about the new situation between us. Dalì had been moody all evening. Probably as scared as I am to go to school. So I sat by him and tries to make him laugh. It worked a couple of times but in the end, he wanted to sleep in my bed and I couldn't deny him that. 

"It's just so scary. I don't want Henry to hurt him again." I say with a sigh.

"We will do our best to prevent that, you know that, right?" She looks at me with such an intense glance that I nod automatically. We arrive at school and Demi and Andy are by our sides immediately.

"Hi, Elza." Demi says and she gives me a bear hug.

"Hello to you to." I say with a smile. Andy hugs me too and winks at me.

"Let's go inside. The bell will ring in less than a minute." Taylor says and we all follow her inside. I'm nervous the whole day. My friends try to distract me but it's all in vain. I can't concentrate with my brother at risk. When we are home at last I literally run inside and hug my brother half to dead when I see him watching television.

"My little monkey!" I say glad to see him safe.

"I'm not little, and I'm definitely not a monkey." My brother says with a glare, but there is no fire behind it and I know he secretly loves it when I call him monkey. Taylor sits beside me and we all watch a tv show for little monkeys like my brother.

"Elza, can you come and sit with us. We need to talk." The mother of Taylor says after a couple of minutes.  Her voice sounds very serious so I stand up swiftly and walk towards the kitchen. There is a cup of thee waiting for me and Taylor.

"Sit down, please." Taylor's father says with a smile. 

"Is it about Henry?" I ask, already knowing it is the case. Taylor's father nods and clears his throat.

"The police went to your house and they saw it was in flames. Dalì's mother had fallen asleep with a joint and she died in the fire while Henry was in prison." He says while he looks straight into my eyes. "I'm sorry for your loss." He adds. My world flips upside down. How am I going to tell my little brother that is mother had died too? Tears well up in my eyes, but it aren't sad tears, it are angry tears.

"How dare she die. How fucking dare she?" I say angrily. She had never been there for Dalì or me in the years our father died and now she just had the easy way out, leaving me with the broken shit to fix. "I hate her for it. Poor Dalì. He is going to be devastated and all because she has to be so fucking stupid." The tears fall down my cheek and Taylor takes me into her arms. She just holds me. The silence drags on for some seconds.

"Mommy is dead?" I hear a broken voice ask and my heart breaks into a million pieces. The air disappears out of my lungs as I start crying uncontrollably.

 The air disappears out of my lungs as I start crying uncontrollably

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Taylor has brought me to my room to rest. Her parents were going to talk with Dalì and see what the possibilities are now. 

"Thank you." I say when I crawl under the blankets.

"No problem." She says. She wants to stand up and walk out the room but I grab her wrist and pull her back gently.

"Stay, please?" I ask her pleadingly. I really don't want to be alone with my thoughts right now. I would only destroy myself completely. She looks at me with surprise in her eyes before she nods. She lays beside me underneath the covers and she holds me tight while I bury my face in the crook of her neck. She stiffens for a second before she pushes me closer to her body.

"Try to sleep a little." She whispers and I simply nod. 

(A/N): I never expected this story to have so much drama xd 

Sorry if I disappoint you, but it just goes expectantly different than I first intended.

Vote if you still like it though. That means a lot (: 

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