Chapter 29

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A hand is stroking my hair and I let it. It’s probably my sister.
“You look so beautiful.” I hear an unknown voice whisper. My head jerks up and I look at a pair of eyes that are so similar to my sister that I know immediately who this woman is. I scoot away from her as fast as I can. She looks very hurt by this but I don’t care to be honest. She has left me and my sister. She left our father, she left every responsibility and I just can’t look at her.
“What are you doing here?” I snap venomously.
“I came to visit you in the hospital.” She says as if it’s very normal for her to be here.
“You were never there for me, so you might as well get the hell out of that door again, and out of my life too.” I whisper shout. I didn’t want to wake the girl in the other bed. She came in yesterday. She had had a bad car accident and she needed her rest.
“Please don’t do this, Elza.” My mother pleads but I am deaf to it. I just point at the door. My mother sighs defeated before standing up. “Look Elza, I am not giving you up that easily. I love you.”
“And I hate you.”

(Andy pov)

With a lot of noise I am searching something in my room. It’s something I didn’t want to look at for a very long time. Since I met Elza, it all came back to me.
“Here you are.” I mutter to an old photobook. It has a thick layer of dust on it and I wipe it clean with my hand. My heart is already breaking when I see the delicate cover, almost falling of the book. I don’t know if it’s a good idea but I go and sit on the bed nonetheless, the old thing on my lap.
Slowly, as if it can blow up in my face at any time – I wouldn’t even be surprised – I open the book and look at the first picture in it. It’s one with my mom, dad, me and… my older brother Logan.
My eyes immediately start to tear up. It has been at least three years since I last lay eyes on my brother’s picture. He was found murdered in the playground ten years ago. All because his mom and dad were to selfish and didn’t look out for their children.
I can’t let Elza down. If she doesn’t want to get to know her mom, she will have to respect that, and if she doesn’t, I will make sure she won’t bother her. We don’t need neglecting parents.

Yes I know it's very short!
BUT you finally know why Andy is so protective over Elza right? ˆˆ

There has happened a lot in my life recently (things I won't bother you with :p ) and I have a lot of work.
I keep this story going but at a very slow pace, that won't change.

Thanks a lot for all the support, that means so much to me!
Sorry if I didn't answer on your comment, sometimes I overlook them :(

You may always send me messages!
Love you guys!!!!

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