Chapter 5

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Demi kept asking me questions for a whole period.

"Can you please stop? I already told you that I wasn't with her until I came to school. I brought Dalì to class and was late. Just like Taylor was. Jezus, what is this? An interrogation?" I ask her irritated. Demi looks hurt but I can't bring myself to apologize.

"You're my best friend. Sorry I worry." Demi says while we walk into our next class.

"I can take care of myself, Demi. By the way, I hate her, remember?" I remind her. She mumbles something under her breath. "What did you say?" I ask her.

"Nothing." She snaps. The rest of the morning we barley speak, only when we really have to. I don't get her, she doesn't have the right to be mad. Maybe she is afraid to lose me to Taylor. What a ridiculous thought. Demi is my best friend since we were babies. I can never ditch her, she is a part of me.

5 year old Elza and Demi
"Come on Elza. I want to!" Demi begs me. Only a couple of seconds pass by before I nod.

"Okay, we'll do it." As soon as those words leave my lips, a bright smile appears on her face. It makes me glow on the inside.

"Thank you. Let's go!" We start climbing the giant oak three in my garden. My heart beats in my throat, I am that scared. I only do this because Demi asks me too, I'd do anything for her. She is my best friend.

Crack...I fall down down down. Just before I touch the ground, someone catches me. With big blue-gray eyes I look in a pair identical to mine. Daddy.

"Elza, you could have died." My father says. His voice is stern, but you can hear relieve too if you know him very well. "Demi, com down please." He tells the other girl. Demi listens immediately.

"I'm sorry Elza." She says, tears in her eyes. My father sets me on the ground and I hug Demi tightly. She kisses me on the cheek.

"Promise me you won't do this again." My father commands.

"I promise." We say together.

End of flashback

My eyes are clouded with tears. As soon as Demi sees this, she hugs me.

"Sorry, Elza." Demi whispers in my ear. She strokes my hair slowly. We stand there, in the hallway, still as a statue.

"Can we sit outside, please?" I ask Demi a minute or so later. I release her and take a step back.

"Okay." She says with a smile. We exit the school building and find a place that is somewhat dry.

"Here." I say when I hand Demi a part of my croissant with cheese. Demi lights up like a Christmas three.

"Oh yeah, you are a sweety." Demi says enthusiastically as she takes the piece. I just smile at her. The croissant is delicious and it keeps Demi occupied, a miracle! "Hmmm."

I giggle when I see Demi's face. Her eyes are shut, smile on her lips and after every swallow the smile grows even wider.

"Do you want some of my Belgian chocolates?" Demi asks when we both have finished our croissant. My eyes begin to twinkle and I nodd. She hands me the darkest one's, my favorites.

"Your father is a hero." I say with a chocolate already in my mouth.

"I though I was." Demi says with a pout.

"You are my biggest hero, you know that." I say with a wink.

Demi blushes a little.

"My father also brought some Belgium beers and sweets with him. We can give a party this Friday?" Demi says with a questioning tone.

"Can your parents babysit Dalì? Otherwise you know I can't." I say with a small smile.

"I'll ask them when I get home."


When the last hour starts, a note is thrown on my desk. Déjà vu.

Hey Elsa,
I know this lovely pub in a nearby town.
Do you wanna come?

A sigh rolls over my slightly pink bottom lip.

Nothing has changed. You are a thief and I don't like at all.
Now leave me.

I throw my answer at her.

"Elsa! You can't pass notes in my class." I hear Mr white say with a stern voice.

"Sorry, I won't do it again." I apologies.

"I'll give you a warning this time because I know you're a good student." The teacher says with an half smile, and I smile slightly back at him.


"Demi, do you want to come with me?" I ask when school is finally over for today.

"Yes, what do you want to do?" She asks happily.

"I want to go to the park with Dalì if you don't mind." I don't really ask it, because there is no other choice. I promised Dalì previous Saturday that we would go.

"Not at all! Let's kidnap that little brother of yours!" Demi says with a big smile on her lips. Off course, she loves my brother almost as much as I do.

"I have a plan..." I start.

Demi nods heavily when she heard my plan.

"I'm curious. Let's do this shit!" She shouts before we both laugh uncontrollably.

(A/N): I hope you liked this part!

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Comment if you want to give me good advice or when you feel like saying something ^^ ♡

See ya next week!! (:

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