Chapter 38

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My clothes all fly into the suitcase. I don't even care if they are wrinkled or not, I just want to leave this place of betrayal. Deep down I know I am overreacting. It's typical me.

"Fuck," I say to myself as I try to close the suitcase without any luck. The white envelope lays beside it on the bed. It looks like it's laughing with my misery. I pick it up and almost rip it apart. In the end my curiosity is too strong and I sit on my bed defeated.

I am going to read that stupid letter and then I will leave, I tell myself, opening it.

The longer I read it, the more tears leak out of my eyes. This letter is not just a confession of why her mother left her, it was a thriller. A drama. And above all fucking traumatizing to read. When the letter ends, waterfalls stream out of my eyes and all the hate against my mother disappears. How can I be mad for this? My heart aches and I wish there was someone to hold me right now.

"Can I come in?" It's Taylor. She stands in the doorway, looking at me with a worried expression. I just nod, not able to speak. "I knew you were going to read it eventually and I didn't want you to be alone afterwards." She sits beside me and pulls me into a warm hug.

"Thank you," I whisper still crying uncontrollably. We sit there in silence for minutes, while Taylor keeps holding on to me.  Gosh how could I have yelled at her like that? She just wants me to be happy, she wants the best for me and I am just being a bitch to her.

"I am sorry."

"Don't. You were right. I never should've done that behind your back but I thought I was doing the right thing." She sounds a little defeated.

"You are doing the right thing. And I really am sorry for being such a bitch. Don't act like what I did was right. Thanks for making me see I was silly."  I let go of her and look her in the eyes. They blink with tears. I wipe them away with my thumb and then I just kiss her, shortly before I say, "I love you too Taylor."

Very short Chapter, I know. ^^
What do you think? Tomorrow a new chapter? :D

Not long anymore now. This story is almost  finished :o I never thought I would but I almost did it!! All thanks to you guys.

Love you all <3

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