Chapter 12

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The first thing I see when I open my mouth is Dalì, curled up in a ball. He looks so fragile. It's just a little boy and he needs a mother. I never had one and it makes life really hard. Without a dad it's hard too but I had the chance to know him, and Dalì didn't even had that. He only has me, but who am I? Still in school, not earning money to maintain a family. A sigh leaves my lips before I get out of bed. I need to go to the bathroom, and then I need to thank Taylor again. Yesterday I was so tired I never really thanked her on my knees.

After a quick shower I knock on Taylor's bedroom door. It doesn't take her long to open the door. My mouth falls literally open. It's very big with soft pink walls. There are posters everywhere. All from bands who are badass looking. I see Bring Me The Horizon, Escape The Fate, Falling In Reverse and other bands like that. There is a big canopy bed from black iron. There is a tv and a leather sofa. Her perfume hangs in the room like a poisonous gas.

"Like what you see?" Taylor grins.

"Are you hitting on me again?" I ask, also grinning.

"Not really, because you weren't really checking me out, were you?" She giggles.

"Nope." I reassure her.

"I wish you would." She mumbles under her breath, thinking I didn't heard her, but of course I did. When I look at her for the first time, I see how sexy she looks. She has a short nightdress with a lace edge just underneath her breasts. "You're checking me out now." She chuckles.

My cheeks become as red as a cherry. I divert my gaze from her immediately.

"I wasn't." I say defensively.

"You were, you liar." She grins, before she puts her arms around me and embraces me. Luckily I'm not a boy or there would be a boner in my pajama pants right now. After hesitating for some seconds I hug her back. It feels very welcoming. The fact I feel so safe in her arms scarce me a little. I don't even know her, and still I feel as if I have known her for a very long time.

"You are so beautiful Elza." Taylor says while hugging me even closer. I tense up completely.

"Don't say thing like that out of the blue." I say while letting her go. "You can't do that to me."

"What? Compliment you?" Taylor asks confused.

"Yes, I don't like that. It makes me feel all... confounded I guess?" I ramble like an idiot. Taylor just grins at me. "What?" I ask her, looking at the ground.

"You are flustered you mean? I think I know why." She says with a giggle. "You like me more than you want to admit, isn't it?"

"No, it's just, it's..." But I can't find anything to say. Taylor tilts my chin up so I have to look her in the eyes.

"I can wait a long time. I know you have a difficult time right now, but don't let them keep you from being happy." She whispers, eyes intense.

"Stop acting as if you know me!" I snap. Taylor takes a step back and looks very hurt. "I'm sorry, I can't be rude to you. Not after all you are doing for my brother and me. I really am thankful for that and I will never be able to pay you or your parents back for this, but please. Stop messing with my mind. It fucks me up." I sigh before I want to leave the room. Of course she pulls me back by the wrist. Before I know it, I'm engulfed by Taylor's perfume. Her lips touch me and they are so soft. It's like fireworks go of in my head and I lean in. I kiss her back. God she is so, so perfect.

My eyes grow wide. What the fuck am I doing? I push her away roughly.

"Don't ever do that again." I say slowly before I ran to my bedroom, leaving Taylor shocked.


Demi's walks in my room with an angry expression on her face. As soon as she sees Dalì, she lights up.

"Hello little man. Are you a little better?" She asks him with a bright smile.

"Yes, but I still miss my mother." He says with a pout.

"I understand, but you have to be a strong boy now, yeah? You really are very strong." Demi answers with a wink.

"Yes, I'm a big boy." He says with a proud expression on his face.

"You are!" Demi assures him. "Would you mind going to Taylor for a while. I need to talk to your sister." Demi says and my heart sinks. This is going to suck. My brother nods and runs out of the door. Silence descends in the room and it makes me very uncomfortable.

"I suppose you are mad at me for something." I state while I bite on my bottom lip.

"Not really mad at you. Just mad because you are so stupid sometimes. Why do you keep pushing her away?" She asks with an annoyed look.

"Who?" I ask, really confused.

"Seriously? Elza, seriously?" Demi's voice sounds desperate.

"Do you mean Taylor?" I ask hesitantly.

"Yes, for God's sake!" Demi yells.

"She kissed me, that's why I pushed her away." I gulp when I think about it. The kiss lingers in my mind whole day.

"Are you pretending to be stupid now?" Demi asks with rolling eyes. I frown at her. Why the fuck is she so mad. I thought she didn't even like Taylor and now she's defending her like a guard dog.

"What's happening here? First you always tell me how much you think she's just playing with me and now you say I should date her. You are confusing." I say upset. "And I'm not even gay!"

"No maybe you aren't gay, but you are in love with Taylor." Demi says with a growl. "Get that into that thick skull of yours."

"Are you two friends all of a sudden?" I'm ignoring what she is saying completely.

"Yes, when you wouldn't kiss me on that party I ran away crying. Taylor has comforted me. She was there when you weren't." Demi says, tears rolling over her cheeks. I hate to see her cry so I hug her tightly.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I wish I had been." I murmur in her hair while stroking her back.

"Just try and open your goddamn eyes. Is that so much to ask of you?" Demi says, tears rolling on my shoulder.

A/N: Thanks for the votes!!!

It really helps me to write. I don't want to disappoint you guys. ^^
Keep voting if you like the chapter and I will keep writing! (:

See ya later my sweet duckies.

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