Chapter 40

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This time I don't stand alone in front of my mother's door. One hand is knocking on it while the other hand is hold by Taylor. She squeezes it slightly for support and I smile at her, grateful for such an amazing girlfriend. Finally we can be together without all the stupid drama.

The door opens and my heart starts beating in my throat.

"Taylor. Elza," she chokes my name out, sobbing. "I am so glad you came." She steps away from the doorway so we can get inside. Taylor leads me towards the kitchen. There are moving boxes everywhere. Taylor was right about the fact she hadn't unpacked a lot since she moved here.

"Thea?" My mother asks, still a sniffling a little.

"Yes, that would be great. Thank you," Taylor answers and I nod in agreement. Five minutes later there are damping cups on the table. "We didn't came to hear you tell the story again." Taylor looks at my mom in reassurance.

"I get why you left, although you could have told him. Maybe he would've believed you." Taylor looks at me with anger in her eyes. My mother sobs again. "But what's done is done. It's in the past and I understand how scared you must have been. I can't say I forgive you, but I will try. The thing is I want to know you, and I want to know my brother."

"It's going to take time, I know that. Don't be mad at me, but I want to be a family. Somewhere in the future," she says, hope in her tearfilled eyes. "Thank you for your chance."

"Thank you for coming back to me. Don't think for a second I can't imagine how much courage that must take." She smiles at me and it's like looking at myself smile in the mirror. I can't help but smile back. Damn it, I am so soft once I decide to forgive someone.

"Is it too soon or can I bring Lucas downstairs?" I feel Taylor looking at me intently, trying to read my mood. Afraid I will explode probably. I really can't blame her.

"You can. I came this far." The answer surprises me as much as it surprises Taylor. I wasn't going to be mad but wanting to meet him? Right now?

"I'll get him." As soon as my mother leaves the room, Taylor kisses my cheek. Which becomes bright red. " I am so very proud of you, Elza," she whispers while wrapping her arms tightly around me. It makes me giggle, probably also for stress release.

"It took some time." Taylor hugs me even tighter.

"That doesn't matter. You are here now." We hear footsteps on the stairs and Taylor let's go of me. "I am right here," she whispers. I look had her with as much gratitude I can muster.

Thanks for all the support. I love you all. Sorry you always have to wait so long. Hopefully that will be better with my next story. (No worries, there is still a chapter to come in this one)

See you (hopefully soon. ^^ otherwise you can bombard me with sweet but pressing comments)


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