chapter 22

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Just my luck. Rain starts to pour down and I still have a 10 minute walk. I could call Demi but I know she probably is with Jessie and that girl doesn't like me very much. She is jealous because I was Demi's first love, but how is that my fault?

Andy is probably sucking Ethan's face off right now and I don't want to disturb that at all. A frustrated sigh leaves my lips as I keep walking in the rain. I am freezing and wet and I will be so glad when I am home.

Of course I am not really paying attention and all of a sudden I put my foot somewhere where there is no ground. My body tumbles forward and the last thing I see before I knock my head against the side and black out is a gigantic hole in the ground. A hole I am falling into.

(Taylor POV)

I begin to get nervous. Elza should have been home by now. It's an hour later and there is a big storm going on outside.

"Andy, is Elza there?" I ask as soon as I hear his low hello.

"No she isn't. I thought she would drive home with you?" He answers.

"Yeah, well. We had an argument." I say with a small voice, knowing Andy will get so angry with me.

"Taylor. How many times are you going to tear at her? It hurts her, that should be reason enough to stop being so egotistical." Andy starts to preach and he hasn't even heard the worst part yet.

"I love her too much. I want to stop but it's like I have two personalities. The one is doing okay, is just crying her eyes out but the other is so angry all the time." I ramble.

"What have you done?" Andy's voice drips with concern and impatient.

"Andy, understand that I love her and this hurts me a lot too." I say, starting to get angry. Andy is so protective of Elza but doesn't take my feelings into consideration.

"Tell me right now, Taylor." Andy almost growls and it makes shivers go up and down my spine.

"Iletherstepoutofthecar." I mumble quickly.

"I didn't understand you." He sounds very impatient now.

"I let her step out of the car." I say more slowly.

"You did what? Are you out of your fucking mind Taylor? In this weather? It's raining like a motherfucker outside!" He screams so loud it hurts my ear and it makes me cry. "Don't you dare crying!! You did this yourself. Don't you dare crying, Taylor!!"

"What do we have to do?" I ask, trying to stop the tears from coming but failing miserably.

"Search her. I will too." He says and before I can even answer he hangs up the phone. I decide to do as he says, take my keys and run to my car.

After driving for at least half an hour my phone starts to ring. When I see it's my father I pick up immediately.

"Hello?" I say while pulling over.

"We just had a call from the hospital. Elza is there. She was hurt very badly. I thought she was driving with you, Taylor." My father sounds very accusing and it makes me feel even more guilty.

"We had an argument." It sounds weak and I almost burst out in tears again.

"Can you go and check on her? I am there in about an hour." My father says. I hear the disappointment in his voice very clearly.

"Yes. On my way." I answer quickly. "Bye."

I don't wait for am answer. I text Andy and start rushing to the hospital. When I am there I ask in which room she is but they tell me she is in room 205. I wait for Andy in the waiting room. When he arrives he looks furious.

"Where is she?" He asks with a sneer.

"Room 205." I answer, new tears rolling over my cheek.

"Did you call Demi?" Andy asks.

"I forgot. I will do it now." I say.

"You better. I am already going to see her." He grumbles before leaving me in the waiting room.

Demi is going to be furious too that's something I know all too well. She was in love with Elza after all.

Thanks so much for all the support and votes!!! (:
Love you guys.
Hope to see you soon. (:

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