Chapter 23

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(Taylor Pov)

"Were you out of your fucking mind? Jesus Taylor, she could have been dead." Demi screams in my ear and I know I deserve this.

"I'm sorry Demi. I never meant for her to get hurt." I answer guilt washing over me for the zilionth time that hour.

"I know that Taylor. I am on my way. Stay in the waiting room. We will go to her room together. I know you feel bad and I don't want to make it worse." Demi says with a sigh. "See you soon."

Before I can answer, she has hung up. It makes me feel a little better now I know Demi understands me too. All of a sudden I hear a voice ask for Elza. It's a woman with long blond hair and she is beautiful.

"Excuse me. I am a friend of Elza. Who are you?" I ask her as soon as she wants to pass me in the waiting room. The woman's eyes get big and she stutters.

"I am Lizzy, Elza's mother." She says after a couple of tries. I almost choke on my own air when I hear this.

"I thought you were dead." I say before I can think about it.

"I went away a long time ago. I couldn't... It doesn't matter. I am here now, alive. I have to go to a lot of formalities before I can show them it's really me and then I can finally see my baby again." She rattles, twinkles in her eyes.

"Why now? Her father has died years ago. She needed you much sooner." I sound defensive and Lizzy is clearly taken aback.

"I don't owe you an explanation. The important thing is that I'm back now. And I am taking my daughter back." She answers with a stern voice.

"We shall see about that. You first need to prove you mean it. You can't hurt Elza by coming for her and leaving her alone again. She has a brother too. You can't tear them apart. They are very close." I say as stern as Lizzy sounded.

"Then I will adopt him too. I'm gonna go now. My DNA test has been confirmed. I need to go and discuss the possibilities. Tell Elza I said hi. I really love her and I am going to show her." She looks very sincere but how can I trust someone who has been gone for so many years she was even declared dead? 


"Taylor, here I am. I came as soon as possible but there were so many cars on the road." Demi rattles and a couple of people look at her with angry frowns on their faces.

"No problem. I must tell you something Demi." I start but Demi has already crossed the waiting room.

"Come on. I want to see her right now." Demi says impatiently.

"But Demi, I really need to tell you something since you know Elza so long. Her mother was here." I push the words quickly out of my mouth, so she has to listen to them. Demi makes a very strange sound in the back of her throat and it makes goosebumps appear on my arms. She walks towards me, grabs my arm and pulls me towards the toilets.

"Are you sure? How do you know?" Demi asks urgently. I explain to her what happened and Demi frowns angrily.

"How dare she come back after so many years? We seriously thought she was dead, damn." Demi has never sounded so angry in all the time I know her.

"Yeah, I told her but she said she doesn't owe me an explanation, which is true of course since I don't know Elza so long." I rattle.

"True, but she owes Elza one and me too since I could pick up the pieces of Elza. She was heart broken." Demi says, the angry frown still on her forehead. "Let's go and check on her. Don't tell her yet, she can't get a heart attack." 

We walk back out of the toilet and go to her room. The first thing I see is the large figure of Andy who is sitting beside the bed. He holds Elza's hand and watches her brotherly. The second thing I see is Elza, on the bed. Looking broken and wearing a lot of white. Tears start to roll over my cheek again. I am feeling so guilty. It's my fault she is laying here, in a bed in the hospital. I almost turn around to run but Demi takes my hand and squeezes it. 

"I am so sorry Elza. I should have never let you get out of the car. God I am such a selfish bitch." I start to apologize. Andy turns around and sees us standing there. He smiles at Demi and ignores me. 

"It doesn't matter Taylor. I am alive." Elza says with a small giggle that makes my heart almost explode. 

"But it does matter. You have broken bones because of me." I say while walking towards the other side of her bed. "I am really sorry. I will never do that again."

"I love you Taylor, I have forgiven you even before the pain was gone. It's my own fault I didn't see that stupid hole in the road. Although they say it wasn't correctly designated and I will probably get a lot of money from it. It was their fault, not yours. And if it partially was, so be it. Just sit down and be my friend, okay?" She rattles with a smile on her face. 

"Okay, I can definitely do that." I answer before I sit on the chair next to her bed, relieved she still likes me and isn't as mad as Andy.

"I will get us some coffee and cookies." Demi says excited before disappearing from the room again.

"I haven't forgiven you yet, but I like you too and will try to not be mad at you any more." Andy says all of a sudden.

"Thank you." I simply say, knowing I can't sweet talk him into forgiving me sooner.


Wow, thanks sooooo much for all the votes!! 
Please keep it up, it makes me so very happy!

I hope you liked this chapter! (: and I hope there aren't to much errors. Please tell me if there are. This is a first draft and so the whole story must be still updated when the first draft is ready. (:

Anyway, thanks for all the amazing support!!! (:

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