Chapter 16

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The school bell rings loudly and it takes me out of my thoughts. I don't mind though, it weren't exactly happy ones. Andy's shadow falls over me. I know it's Andy because I smell his cologne.

"Are you coming?" He asks with worried eyes. A sigh rolls over my lips without my permission and Andy squats in front of me. His hands on my knees for support. "Hey, little one. Why are you crying?"

"Everything. Everything has become so fucked up in just one week. Only one week and my whole life is a shitty mess. How's that even possible?" New tears start pouring out of my eyes and I hate myself for it. I can't be weak. I have a new home now. A good home. And still I'm not content.

"You are coming with me. Fuck school, you need a day to watch movies all day and eat food that's full of heavenly sugar." Andy stands up in a quick motion and extends his hand towards me. "No protest possible, young lady."

I take his hand with a little smile on my lips and start walking next to him. He doesn't let go of my hand and I'm glad because I really can use his warmth right now.


We lay in the couch, popcorn and candy all around us. Draco Malfoy is just crying uncontrollably and as always I cry with him. I don't know why but I have so much sympathy for that character.

"Are you crying?" I just nod. "For Draco Malfoy?" He sounds surprised. Then he wraps his arms around me and I lay my head on his shoulder.

"Draco is misunderstood." I say seriously.

"Malfoy is a pretentious little shit." Andy says with a chuckle.

"Yeah he is, but not all the time." Harry Potter enters the bathroom and uses the curse which almost bleeds Draco till dead. Luckily we have Snape, my all time favorite character.

"I will make a pizza." Andy says as soon the scene on tv changes. "You don't have to pause it, I have seen it a million times.

30 minutes later he is back with two pizzas and he hands one over to me.

"Wow, sliced in triangles and everything. Want to become my servant?" I ask with a grin. Andy burst out laughing.

"You are funny." He says after a while.

"Yeah, I get that a lot." I answer with a fake arrogant face.

"I bet you do, my queen." Andy says with a wink.

"I like the sound of that. Than I would be filthy rich and I could provide my little brother myself." I say dreamy.

"Is that what's bothering you?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, it is to be honest. I am glad we are getting adopted. It are lovely people but I was just falling in love with Taylor. We didn't even get a chance to go on a date. Now it's off the table." I say, a sigh leaving my lips.

"Oh. I didn't even think about that." Andy says with a frown. "But you two aren't actually sisters."

"Andy, you know how hard it is to fall for the same gender. To combine that with a romance between adoptive sisters would be a disaster." I whisper while looking at the floor.

Andy puts his arms around me and pulls me close. "It will be alright. Maybe there is a solution."

"I know you try to calm me down but I think it's over between us. We will have to forget about each other. Even though that will be hard. She is so beautiful amd sweet." I ramble. New tears start to fall down my face. Andy hugs me closer and we sit in silence for a couple of minutes.

"Do you want to stay over for the night? I could call Taylor and ask her if I can talk to Dalì." Andy then promptly says.

I think about it and nod. Andy picks up his phone and calls Taylor.

"He girl. Yeah she is with me. Calm down. She is going to stay the night. She needs some rest. Can you pit Dalì trough?" Andy hands me the phone with a smile.

"Hello?" I hear my brother's cute voice.

"Hey, is it okay if I stay over at Andy's? I will be back tomorrow, yeah?" I ask him.

"Yeah, that's okay. See you tomorrow sis. Love you." His voice sounds a bit shaky.

"I love you too. Bye." I say after which I hang up the phone.

So a new chapter xd
The next will be more eventful but I have an excuse. College is so hard xd
I'm going to try to post every Wednesday starting from next week.
Don't hate me if I fail! ^^

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