Chapter 33

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Nervous tickles go through my stomach when I walk towards the chickens. I can already see Taylor standing there, her blonde hair waving in the wind, white silky in her hand. She looks so beautiful when she is concentrated.

"Hello Taylor," I say just before I reach her. She looks up immediately and a big smile plasters her face. This gives me butterflies.

"Hey, I hoped you slept well?" she asks, giving the silky to me so I can hug it. The chicken looks at me curiously. When I start to pet it, it makes soft approving noises.

"Yes thanks for your concern. The meal was very good too," I say while smiling in her direction.

"Nice to hear. Wanna help with cleaning the chicken coop? It really needs some new hay." Taylor looks at me expectantly and I nod. They get a shovel each and start emptying the coop. The chicken shit is deposited on the dung heap.

"Don't take it the wrong way but I really hope it will work out with you and your mom," Taylor says.

"Yeah, I don'tthink that will be anytime soon. She really has a lot to explain before I even consider forgiving her." I feel Taylor's eyes watching me so I look up. She looks like she gets me and that makes me smile unexpectedly.

"It will make you feel better when you can put it behind you. I'm glad you at least are considering to hear her explanation." The wind starts playing with Taylor's long hair and I have an urge to touch it. Then I notice I took too long to say something back and start to blush.

"Well yeah..." I start to say clumsily. "It's worth the try since Dalì would never forgive me otherwise." I bite my lip and start looking at the white silky by my feet. "You are a cute one, aren't you?" I pick it up and start cuddling it.

"You have taken a liking to that one I see," Taylor says amused. I nod in response. "It's nice to see someone as fond of chickens as me."

"Animals are just amazing." Especially if they are in your presence. Taylor has a wide smile on her face all of a sudden which betrays I said my thoughts out loud.

"Well thanks." She laughs a little and my cheeks start to burn, as red as a tomato I suppose. "Don't be ashamed. I will pretend you haven't said the last part." She adds a wink which makes my insides do a backflip.

"Well, I guess now my mother is back the adoption doesn't count anymore, so no point in denying that I find you amazing as well." I am surprised by my own words. I didn't even realize that until I said it out loud. Taylor and I aren't sisters anymore. When I take a closer look at her I see that she is the one blushing now.

"I guess that's true," she says, looking at me with big hopeful eyes. I smile at her, feeling more happy than I've been in a long time. At least one good thing can come out of my mother's return.

"Taylor, do you wanna go on a date with me?" I ask, the need to make her happy the cause of my abrupt question. She walks towards me and gives me a hug.

"Yes, oh please yes," she whispers and I can swear I hear her sob.

(A/N): Hello my sweet amazing readers!!
I wish you all a very happy New Year and hope all of your wishes come true! :D

Thanks for your encouragement, votes and reads. It means the world to me. Really, even though I upload so sporadically, your support makes this story go on. I love each and every one of you. ♡♡♡

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