Chapter 31

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When I wake up the next day, I see a small boy beside me. His eyes are staring intently at me.

"Goodmorning Monkey," I say with a big grin on my face. My brother crunches his nose.

"Will you ever stop calling me that?" he asks not very hopeful.

"Probably not," I answer with a giggle. Dalì rolls his eyes but he clearly bites back a smile.

"I am glad you are back and alright. Arielle is back too, she is sweet," Dalì says with a smile.

"Yeah, she is. I am glad she came back but she will have to go to her school on France again." As soon as I say it I feel a little sad and Dalì gives me a hug.

"You can't think about that yet. You have to take one day at a time." Since when is he so smart? At this age he shouldn't be saying things like this yet. On the other hand, he saw a lot more misery than other kids from that age.

"You are right monkey," I say before tickling him.

"Stop it," Dalì giggles. I stop and plant a kiss on his forehead. "You are so mean. I need to ask you something..."

"You can ask me anything," I prompt.

"I overheard that your mom is back." Dalì looks at me with curiosity in his eyes. The word mom is like a punch in the gut. It's all her fault we had to go through all that shit.

"Yes, she is." I decide to not lie to him, he deserves the truth. "But that doesn't change a thing. I don't want her in my life."

"She is your mom," Dalì silently whispers.

"No. She left me, and a person like that can't possibly be my mother." Tears start to burn in my eyes.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to let you cry. It's just that, if I still had mom, I would still want her in my life even after everything that has happened," Dalì murmurs. It surprises me and I want to tell him that but as soon as I open my mouth, the door opens and Demi steps inside with a tableau.

"Breakfast!!" she shouts overenthusiastic.

"I am going to leave you two to it. We are going to talk later, okay?" Dalì asks. There is a smile on his lips but it doesn't reaches his eyes.

"Okay, I love you, you know that right?" I say before hugging him.

"I love you too sister." He starts walking towards the door. "Hi Demi. Don't make my sister deaf," he jokes. Demi sticks her tongue out at him and he disappears with a giggle.

"Sweet brother you have," Demi says while walking towards the bed. She puts the tableau on my legs.

"You shouldn't have done that." I take her hand and give it a little squeeze.

"I didn't, Taylor did. She thought it would be nice for you if we ate breakfast here so we could talk privately," Demi explains.

As soon as the name Taylor left her mouth my cheeks became red. God why am I still not over her?

(A/N): Thanks a lot for reading and all the support, it means so much to me. There are a couple more chapters to come. I think around 10 or so.
Love you all <3

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