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"Where is he, where is he, where is he." Jade muttered, her hands shaking, as she looked around, panicked. He wasn't picking up his phone, and he was late, which was so unlike him.

"Eleanor! Ugh fuck it, get Zayn." Jade said, spotting Eleanor, who nodded, running to Zayn's office. 

Within two minutes, Zayn, Eleanor and Jade were walking into the meeting room, Zayn's face holding a very annoyed and stern look. 

"Let's get this over with." he said out, as he slammed the report onto the table. He sat down in Niall's chair, his angry eyes glaring at everyone. His eyes fall on Beatrice's face.

 His eyes fall on Beatrice's face

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"You." he said, making her look up at him, her eyes filled with fear. Everyone silently watched the two, as Zayns pissed off eyes, bore into her own.

"What did you do." he said, deciding that he couldn't deal with this bullshit any longer.

Silence filled the room, as Zayn anticipated Beatrice's reaction. Zayn was raging, almost as much as Niall does usually. 

"I asked you something, Beatrice." he repeated, staring at Beatrice, as she sat timidly in her chair.

"I- I haven't done anythin-"

"You know DAMN well, that you did something. You all have being doing something. Right under our noses, as though we wouldn't notice. Now what did you do, Beatrice?" He said slamming his hand down on the table, as Jade stood behind him, glaring at Beatrice.

"We haven't done anything- I don't know why you're being like this, sir. We haven't done anythin-"

"Look," Jade said, moving forward and standing face to face with Beatrice, "I don't know who you think you are, but what you're doing, leeching money out from this company, the company all of us worked so fucking hard for, it is unacceptable. And Mr Horan isn't here to yell at you, so be half as grateful that it was Mr Malik who's here and not Mr Horan."

"Rich coming from a woman that leeches money off of a famous singer and two of the worlds largest businessmen." Beatrice muttered, her eyes falling on Zayn. 

"You're fired." Jade said to her, trying her best not to attack Beatrice, "You need to be out of here in an hour."

"What?! You can't fire me-"

"She can, and she did. You don't get to talk to her like that, and stealing the company's money is an offense." Zayn spat out, before standing up, his phone in his hand, and walking out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

"You watch your words." Eleanor snapped at Beatrice, moving closer to Jade, "Pack up your things, I need you out of this building in the next half an hour. As for the rest of the team, you will all be under thorough investigation, and if required, firing."

"You can't do this! I'm going to sue this company. No, I'm going to sue ALL of you-"

"You won't be able to do anything." came Niall's voice from the door, making Beatrice's face turn to one of shock, before she turned to face him, eyes wide. She was afraid of him.

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