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"What do you mean, you don't want to take it?" Zayn exclaimed.

"I said what I said, Zayn." Niall replied.

"But Jade told me it was a great presentation, and that you were totally up for it."

"Yeah well, I changed my mind." Niall said, buttoning up the buttons of his shirt completely.

 "What's going on?" Jade asked, entering the door as she tried to put her watch with one hand and was texting furiously with the other. She was in her business dress, yes dress, different from her regular office attire. 

"Niall isn't taking the Lumar offer." Zayn said, walking up to Jade and helping her with her watch, as she still continued to text.

"Thank you, Zayn. What do you mean, Niall? I thought you liked her ideas?" Jade said, looking up from her phone. 

"I'm not taking it." Niall repeated, grabbing his suit. He wore it, as Jade and Zayn exchanged a look.

"You know you're being ridiculous right now." Jade said, pointing her finger at him, finally her entire attention away from the phone.

"I know why you're not taking it." she said, as Niall stopped his actions of straightening out his suit for a second, before he proceeded, ignoring Jade.

"it's because she sassed you, isn't it? You liked her ideas and all her plans, but you're being a bitch about it, because she sassed you back." she said, leaving Zayn stunned.

"A girl sassed Niall?" he said with a laugh, smiling at Niall, who glared at him.

"A girl sassed Niall?" he said with a laugh, smiling at Niall, who glared at him

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"Shut up." Niall grumbled, grabbing his watch from his desk. 

"You know I thought you were better than this. I thought you'd think about it and bring your fucking high arse down, and sign the deal, but no. You just had to-" 

Jade was interrupted by her phone ringing. 

"Stupid bastards, not letting me breathe for a second. It's always 'Jade do this,' ' Jade do that.' bloody bastards." she muttered at her phone, rushing outside to pick it up. Zayn still stood there, staring at Niall.

"A girl sassed you back?" he said, still not believing it, making Niall glare at him once more, as Zayn cowered away a bit. 

"Right, I'm going to get Eleanor, Louis, Perrie and Beatrice, and we'll be heading to the Convection. You, Jade and Harry are heading together, or-?" he asked.

"I'm heading alone, Jade and Harry are going together." Niall grumbled, reading through his speech, memorizing the words and mouthing it over and over again.

"Someones in a bad mood." Zayn audibly muttered, walking out the door. He shut it, leaving Niall in the silent room. 

He sighed, looking out of the window at the bustling streets of New York, his second home.

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