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"Hello beautiful." he said kissing Perrie's cheek, as she stood at her porch, waiting for her husband. She ran her hands over her dress, smoothing it out.

"You look dashingly handsome, Niall." she said, lightly slapping his cheek. He chuckled, glancing at the door as they waited. 

"Sorry I'm late, ladies." said a voice from behind Perrie. They turned to meet with the sight of Zayn walking down the stairs.

"Speak for yourself, Malik." Niall said punching his shoulder, as Zayn sat down to put on his shoes. Perrie walked back inside, stopping beside her daughter.

"Be a good girl for Katie, okay? Mummy and Daddy will be home soon. We love you, Ila." Perrie said, kissing her head, as Ila kissed Perrie's cheek back.

"Bye-bye mummy." she said, as Perrie walked passed Niall and towards Zayns car.

Zayn finished with his shoes and quickly bid farewell to his daughter, placing a kiss on her cheek. She seemed a bit down.

He walked past Niall, as Niall crouched down beside Ila.

"Ila, my princess. I'll bring you some donuts, is that okay?" Niall said, making the little girls eyes fill with joy.

"Yes Uncle Niall!" she squealed, making Niall smile.

"Goodnight." Niall said, kissing her head, before following Zayn outside.

Niall walked down Zayn's porch steps, spotting Zayn entering his car and shutting the door behind him. 

Niall walked back to his car, Drew already ready to leave. He shut the door, making Drew take off, as they followed the Maliks. They exited the gates, as it shut behind them. 

Niall quickly checked his phone, seeing that Jade had left a message that she had arrived with Harry. He checked on Eleanor and Louis, knowing that they were there too. 

"We're here, sir." Drew said, making Niall look up and see the entrance of the gala. He spotted Zayn getting out the car. Zayn had straightened out his tux, before turning to help Perrie.

She looked stunning in her dress, the flash of the cameras making its shine in a way. Zayn was simply mesmerized by his wife. He held her hand, thanking Eddie, before shutting the door. They walked towards the entrance, hand-in-hand, smiling for the cameras.

Drew drove a bit forward, stopping where Eddie had previously stopped.

"Thank you, Drew. See you later." Niall said, opening his door. The flashes increased. Niall stepped out of the car, the shouts of the paps increasing, and he walked down the small red carpet towards the door.

One thing he's always promised himself is that to never smile on a red carpet. 

A smile just gives those wolves of paps a reason to click your pictures. But still, they clicked away.

He entered the gala, looking around and glancing at the people there. His eyes first landed on Zayn and Perrie, who were talking with Jade and Harry, and both the women were in stunning dresses.

He smiled at Jade, once her eyes fell on him. She smiled at him, waving a bit. He glanced away, before his eyes landed on Hazel, and he was breath-taken straight away.

She was stunning. She was wearing a red dress, that showed a bit of cleavage and reached up to mid-thigh. She was chatting with the guests. She seemed so at ease, making Niall relax his shoulders. Her eyes were very prominently drawn, and outlined beautifully. Her hair was open, cascading down her back. He couldn't take his eyes off of her.

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