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"Uhm- uh." he stuttered in the microphone that had been attached to the podium. His eyes met Jade, a panicked look in them, signalling to Jade that there was something wrong.

She looked back, and she mouthed a "calm down" and told him to take deep breaths, before telling him to wing it.

Wing it.

Come on Niall, wing it.

And suddenly, he was back. He remembered the few things from that last page, so he didn't need it after all. He finished the speech quicker than he though he would, earning a round of applause. Jade gave his a thumbs up, as he walked off stage. And once again he was pissed.

"You did great, mate!" Zayn said as Niall stormed over to him, oblivious to Niall's anger. 

Niall snatched his briefcase, and opened it to check whether the page was in there, to see that it wasn't. There was every paper but that one.

"What's wrong?" Zayn asked, noticing Niall's temper. Niall took a deep breath, looking up at Zayn.

"I'll be in the conference room that was designated to me, I need you to bring Jade, Eleanor and Beatrice and meet me there, in five minutes." Niall said, before turning around and walking through the crowd of people. 

He was enraged, not believing that he, the most organized person ever, had misstepped this once, and everything had gone horribly wrong.

He rushed up the stairs and stood in the room, raging as Zayn, Jade, Beatrice and Eleanor walked in.

"Niall, you wanted to see us?" Jade said, as they shut the door behind them. They sat down, on different chairs beside Niall. They all sat in silence for a few seconds, as Niall eyes danced from each person in the room.

"Eleanor, I can't fucking believe you! I gave you a fucking job, only to have you fuck it up. How the bloody hell did the last page of my speech disappear?!" Niall yelled at Eleanor, stunning everyone in the room.

"Mr Horan!" Beatrice exclaimed in shock.

"I did no fucking thing, Niall, and you fucking know that. Don't you dare accuse me of such atrocious things when I have done nothing of that sort." Eleanor said, her voice cracking and breaking in between, ignoring Beatrice.

"Niall, you have no proof that El did that. You know her, she wouldn't do you like that." Jade said, leaning forward in her chair.

"I'm sorry, but this is unbelievable, leave the fucking room right now, Eleanor, before I do something I regret. I can't even bear to see you." Niall said, anger laced in every part of his voice. Eleanor was crying now, she couldn't believe Niall would say that.

"You know you're unbelievable Niall." Eleanor exclaimed, walking right out of the room. They all sat in silence, Jade was upset too.

"I'm going home." Jade said softly, walking out again. Beatrice walked out with her, in search of Eleanor.

"Right, you've fucked up. Once again, you're jumping to conclusions, dickbag." Zayn said angrily throwing his hands up in the air, also walking out of the door and slamming it shut. Niall sighed, rubbing his hands on his face. He couldn't believe he just did that.

The door opened once again, but this time in walked in Louis, and he didn't look very happy. Eleanor followed him, she was crying, and she was trying to pull Louis back out.

"You do not get to fuck with Eleanor like that, you dick!" Louis yelled, making Niall jump up from his chair.

"She betrayed me, and she deserved it." Niall exclaimed back. Louis glared at Niall, Eleanor still behind him.

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