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"Hello, Ms Lumar. How are you?" Jade said, standing up to greet the lady.

"I'm doing well, Jade. And please I told you to call me Hazel." Hazel said, shaking her hand.

"Right sorry." Jade said smiling, standing in front of her table to greet the man standing behind Hazel.

"This is Alfred, you must've spoken with him over the phone." Hazel said, introducing Jade to Alfred, as they smiled at each other.

"And is Mr Horan inside?" Hazel asked Jade, before pointing at the door with Niall's name on it. Hazel didn't seem as happy as she was before.

"Ah yes he is. Just hold on one moment." Jade said, before opening the door and entering, shutting it behind her. Niall looked up, his glasses perched on his nose, a curious look on his face.

"Hazel Lumar's here." she whispered. Niall sat up straight and opened up a file with all the notes about the project, as Jade started at him.

"Niall." she said, making the lad look up from his notes.

"Woo her." she said, her eyes twinkling.

Jade opened the door before Niall could answer, and asked Hazel to enter. Niall quickly ran his hand through his hair, trying not to blush at Jades comment, before standing up, as Hazel entered.

"Hello, Mr Horan." Hazel said, shaking his hand. He smiled at her, his eyes falling to their hands for a fraction.

"Please. Call me Niall." he said, before offering her a seat.

"What can I do for you, Hazel?" Niall said, as soon as Hazel was seated. Hazel crossed a leg over the other.

"Our project together could seriously make a big difference. And now that you have decided to work with us, we'd like to invite you to this gala that we had planned out before." Hazel said, bringing a smile to Nialls face.

"That's nice. Who all from the company are invited?" he asked staring at her.

"Actually whoever you like. It's also partly a charity gala, so donating some money for charity is also welcome." she said, smiling softly at him. She didn't say anything, as he thought about it. 

Ever since she entered, she could not take her eyes off his face. His stubble, his ocean eyes, his pink lips, his tiny freckles, his gelled up hair.

She hadn't noticed him this closely before.

"Alright then. When is this gala, Hazel?" he asked, removing his glasses as Hazel watched him, Niall's accent never failing to stun her.

"This Friday evening." She said with a smile, "It's starts at 7, but you may arrive when you please." 

Niall's stomach flipped when she smiled, secretly making the butterflies in his stomach rise.

"Alright. We'll be there. Thank you, Hazel." he said, before they sat there staring at each other.

For some reason they seemed to captivated with each other. Nialls eyes glancing from Hazels eyes to her lips, while Hazels eyes were staring into his flickering eyes. It might have seemed a little bit lustful, but they just couldn't seem to tear their eyes away from each other.

Someone suddenly knocked on the door, startling the two, making them look away from each other blushing, as Jade entered.

"Here, Mr Horan." Jade said, handing him the contract to be signed, as Jades brown eyes pierced into the side of Nialls head. Shit.

"Ah, yes the contract. Thank you Jade." he said as she moved to leave. He kept it safely in a file on his desk, as Hazel stood up.

"Well Niall, I guess we'll be seeing each other soon." she said, offering her hand to shake. He stood up, shaking her hand and offering a charming smile, both their hands holding each others for a bit longer than required. However, Jades words were stuck in his mind.

Woo her.

"Uhm Hazel, I know this is quite unprofessional of me, but may I have your number?" he asked, offering his phone to her. His hands started to get a bit clammy, when she reached out to it with a smile.

"You're quite a charmer, Mr Horan." she said, typing in the number, making Niall blush.

She returned his phone, before turning around and opening the door. She smiled at him over her shoulder, before shutting the door behind her.

Niall stared at the place where Hazel was sitting, too stunned to move.

He, a person who always held his head high, never affected by anyone's words, was completely smitten over her words.

Jade re-entered the room, shutting the door behind her, before she turned to the Irish man standing quite very still, staring at her.

"I am not dumb, Horan. I saw the googly eyes you and Lumar were giving each other."

Niall groaned, moving back to his desk and sitting down. He rubbed his face in irritation.

She saw that?

"Tell me you wooed her?" she asked moving to his desk, and leaning against it.

"Well, I got her number?" Niall said, pointing at his device, making Jades face light up.

"Ah! That's amazing! It's happening, you actually like someone I approve of." Jade said, jumping up slightly.

"I don't need your approval, Mrs Styles." Niall sassed back, making Jade laugh.

"Are you gonna leave?" Niall asked, basically telling Jade to leave the room, making her roll her eyes.

"I need to fax the contract." She said, pointing at the file.

He huffed, removing it and reading through the page. After a few seconds, he signed it, before handing it over to the brunette.

"Thank you, Niall." she said, making Niall glance at her smiling face, before looking back down.


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